Minecraft Story Mode Wiki
Minecraft Story Mode Wiki

The Temple of the Order of the Stone is a huge building that was constructed by The Order of the Stone as their base. However, it was presumably abandoned and it was left in ruins.



The Temple of the Order is located near the Nether Portal that leads out of the Nether. It is shrouded in the trees of this dense forest to keep it hidden.


The Temple's exterior appears to be constructed mainly out of stone bricks and nether quartz blocks and has an enlarged, stained glass build of the amulet outside it. There are several traps on the lower floor of the Temple, followed by a library.

A staircase leads upstairs to the Tracking Device, which is used to track the members of the Order using the Amulet.




  • The Temple could have been destroyed and rebuilt, since it was not shown after "Assembly Required" until the events of "Below the Bedrock".
    • This is probably because the Wither Storm follows the Amulet, which Jesse possesses, and Jesse never visited the Temple after Magnus and Ellegaard have both been found.
    • The Temple was already a bit damaged when Jesse and his or her Gang first arrive, but it is shown that Lukas later fortified it, while Jesse was going with Axel/Olivia to find Magnus/Ellegaard, and Axel or Olivia were traveling to find the member the player didn't choose.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]


Concept Art[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


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Locations in Minecraft: Story Mode
"The Order of the Stone" Jesse's TreehouseEnderCon Building CompetitionEnderConGabriel's TempleNether Minecart SystemThe NetherThe Order's TempleThe Overworld
"Assembly Required" RedstoniaBoom TownSoren's FortressDome of ConcentrationMagnus' Tower
"The Last Place You Look" Mob GrinderThe EndSoren's Laboratory
"A Block and a Hard Place" The Far LandsThe MazeIvor's CottageReuben's Memorial
"Order Up!" The Old Builders' TempleBeacontownIvor's PadOrder HallSky CityPortal NetworkSky City Palace
"A Portal to Mystery" GraveyardThe MansionPortal Chamber
"Access Denied" Crown MesaHarper's Secret LaboratoryPAMA's Control Core
"A Journey's End?" Spleef GamesCompetitors' VillageLava RaceHadrian's PalaceThe Walls
"Hero in Residence" Champion CityJack & Nurm's Adventure EmporiumSea TempleHeckmouth
"Giant Consequences" Icy Palace of Despair
"Jailhouse Block" Sunshine Institute
"Below the Bedrock" The UnderneathFred's KeepThe OasisRomeoburg
"Above and Beyond" Terminal Space
Misc The OverworldThe NetherThe EndWither Storm
Places that are still standing appear in green. Places that are destoyed appear in red. Unknown locations appear in blue. Places that can be destroyed appear in pink. Places that are possibly destoyed appear in grey