Minecraft Story Mode Wiki

"Some stories are better left forgotten."
—Soren to Petra, hinting his secret. (Determinant) src

Soren the Architect, more commonly referred to as Soren, is the leader of the Old Order of the Stone. He is a central character in the first season of Minecraft: Story Mode. Renowned as a legendary architect, hence his name, he is responsible for the discovery of the Command Block, and is also the creator of the Order's Amulet.

It was he who sought fame by lying to the majority of the population that he killed the Ender Dragon alongside the Order of The Stone using impressive tactics, eventually becoming false legendary heroes in history.

Soren is voiced by John Hodgman and he makes his first appearance in "The Order of the Stone" in a flashback, and in "The Last Place You Look" as a major character. His last appearance is in "A Block and a Hard Place", however, he remains mentioned in occasional Easter eggs throughout the rest of the series.



Soren is ginger-haired, and has pale skin. He has a long and thick, handlebar moustache, as well as a chinstrap beard. Soren wears sandy colored armor with black accents. He has fingerless, grey gloves and brown pants with seemingly pockets.


He is seen wearing a grey hardhat topped with tan goggles.

Under Armor (Netflix)[]

He is seen wearing a beige sleeveless garment decorated with four buttons over a black shirt, topped with a open grey colored suit jacket with the opening sleeves being colored white. his pants being split in two colors with the top part being colored brown and the bottom grey. for his footwear, he is seen wearing brown dress shoes.


"I've found out that when you give people what they want, they turn on you."
—Soren to Jesse src

Soren appeared to be an eccentric, and a complete genius in his first few appearances. He was not above putting himself in danger to conduct his research, and spoke of a desire to be anything other than Soren the Architect. He is the discoverer of the Command Block, and he grew to be dependent on it after realizing what it could do, becoming a coward in the process.

During his time in the End, Soren became fascinated with the Endermen, as he would study them and even train some on how to build. Furthermore, he prefers Endermen more than anyone because unlike people, Endermen always do what he expects without a single thought of betrayal, almost to a fault. In "A Block and a Hard Place", it is revealed that Soren even worries for their safety when he sees a few of them approaching the Wither Storm, fearing that they will get themselves killed and that he would lose all of his work and studies.

Like the other Order members, he is later revealed to be a fraudulent person, using the Command Block to erase the Ender Dragon from existence, while telling the world that the Order defeated the dragon in battle. When confronting the Wither Storms that Ivor have created, Soren cowers and runs away. This also shows that he is slightly disloyal, as he does this even if Jesse agrees to be his friend. This infamous act caused Soren to be called a 'chicken' by Axel.

He is not seen again for the rest of the series. Due to the battle being in his own hideout, it is possible that he may have returned to the End, but this is unconfirmed.

Killed Victims[]

The list below shows the victims Soren has killed:



"I wasn't expecting so many houseguests! There's no way I have enough seashell soaps for all of them."
—Soren. src
"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies."
—Soren to Jesse. (Determinant) src
"Sometimes, I'd prefer to be anything but Soren...ooh, like a donkey, for example."
—Soren. src
"I AM sorry about this, but... it has to look real."
—Soren before hitting Jesse in the head. src
"You look... terrible."
—Soren to Petra/Gabriel. src
"You seem like a person who appreciates cool stuff that's cool for no reason."
—Soren to Jesse. src
"Oh, why are you asking me?! Am I expected to know every last thing in the universe?! Ugh... I need a moment to think."
—Soren to Jesse/Olivia. (Determinant) src
"Hush, Ivor, for once!"
—Soren to Ivor. src
"Stuff and nonsense, stuff and nonsense."
—Soren to Magnus/Ellegaard. src
"Graah! Being emotional is getting us nowhere!"
—Soren. src
"Enderman move blocks, it's what they do..."
—Soren to Jesse. src
"Yes... yes, that's it! They'll be caught between a rock in a hard place!"
—Soren, talking about the plan to lure the Witherstorm with the Amulet. (Determinant) src
"And to make matters worse, we've gone from one Wither Storm to three! Our plan was a total failure!"
—Soren. src
"Tinkering with the Far Lands is nothing to laugh about!"
—Soren to Petra. (Determinant) src
"It's as though Ivor learned nothing from my lectures on organizational methodology!"
—Soren to Jesse in Ivor's Lab. src
"You know, I've really enjoyed meeting you and all, but..."
—Soren's final words to Jesse's gang before running away. src
"We used that damned Command Block!"
—Soren's confession. src
"If you'd only been there... It was a fight for the ages! We'd spent weeks preparing for our greatest battle ever. But even so, the Ender Dragon was stronger than even I had imagined. I realized it was drawing strength from the Ender Crystals -- and that the crystals had to be destroyed. I hit the first with a perfectly placed arrow. The second, I destroyed by launching myself on the shockwave of Magnus' TNT! Using only my strength and my wiles, I steered the foul beast towards the third crystal. I flew the dragon directly towards the final crystal! Only then did Gabriel deliver his famous final blow. We became heroes, and eventually, legends. The greatest the world has ever known."
—Soren's false account about The Order's battle against the Ender Dragon. src
"Understand -- when I found that blasted block, we were nobodies. But with its help, we became stronger. Faster. We could do so much more! The others had no idea what I was doing... yet the more I used it, the more we came to depend on it. I knew it was only so long before someone would find out. So I concocted a plan. I would use the Command Block to blink the Ender Dragon out of existence... Securing our status as legends... forever."
—Soren telling the true story behind the quest to defeat the Ender Dragon. src
"Welcome to the Far Lands, my friends."
—Soren to Jesse's gang, when they arrive at the Far Lands. src


  • In other worlds, there are multiple books written by Soren.
    • In Isa's Throne Room, there is a book called Habits of the Endermen, by Soren.
    • In the White Pumpkin's lair, there is a book called Walking Among the Endermen, also by Soren.
    • In Harper's Secret Laboratory, there is a book called The Redstone Heart, by Soren.
    • In Hadrian's Palace, there's a book called A Man Forever Voyaging, by Soren.
    • In Fred's house in Fred's Keep, there is a book called Brave New Enderman, by Soren.
  • In "The Last Place You Look", Soren does not have his hat like in "The Order of the Stone". This is similar to Magnus the Rogue and Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer.
  • Soren has aviophobia, the fear of flying, similar to Sandy.
    • This can be shown in "A Block and a Hard Place" (if Gabriel gets the 'Wither Amnesia') when everyone is on the flying machine heading to Ivor's Cottage. Gabriel will mention that Ellegaard built a machine like that some time ago, and that Soren was terrified on riding it.
    • This can also be shown in "A Block and a Hard Place" again, if Jesse chooses to say "You're full of it." after Soren tells his fake story of the battle with the Ender Dragon, they can determinantly use the fact that Soren is afraid of flying to argue that Soren's story (which claims that he rode the dragon) seems off.
  • In the Minecraft: Story Mode skin pack on Console and Bedrock Editions of Minecraft, there is a skin that shows what Soren looks like without his armor.
    • This skin is present in the Minecraft: Story Mode files, although it is not used.
    • This skin is however used in place of the Armored skin in the Netflix version.
  • In "Above and Beyond", if Radar is not interrupted for a certain amount of time, he mentions "The Followers of Soren."
  • Soren can say that "Some stories are better left forgotten" in "A Block and a Hard Place" if Gabriel was rescued in Episode 1. This may be foreshadowing his attempt to hide and forget the real story behind their battle with the Ender Dragon. There is also a change he was talking about himself: some stories (some people) are better be left forgotten.
  • Though the battle with the Ender Dragon is the only mission of the Old Order of the Stone to be revealed as a fraud falsified with a Command Block, Soren can determinantly say in "A Block and a Hard Place" that the Order doesn't even stand a chance without the Command Block if Gabriel was rescued in Episode 1.
    • Magnus/Ellegaard can also tell Gabriel that Ellegaard/Magnus was the only member of the Order who didn't need the Command Block. (determinant)
    • This means that the Old Order of the Stone actually used the Command Block on all of their missions.
  • Occasionally, if Jesse looks at the window from the 2nd story of Soren's Laboratory, in the left bottom corner, there's an Endermen with a weirder look than the others. This might be Soren in disguise.
  • Soren is the first character to sing in Minecraft: Story Mode, the second being Jack, with "Jack's Lament", and the third being Radar with "Taste My Bravery".
  • His song is called "Soren's Farewell Song".
  • He was supposed to be a old builder, but it was never made canon for various reasons[1]
  • Eric expressed his enthusiasm for the idea of reintroducing Soren in the portal network arc or Season 2. He suggested that Soren could return as one of the Old Builders or even as an Admin. However, the decision-makers believed it would be more exciting to introduce new characters rather than revisiting old ones.[2]
  • In Eric Stripe's headcanon, Soren ran back to The End and built himself an airship to try and explore further and deeper into that strange dimension than anyone ever had before; cutting himself off entirely from the rest of the world out of guilt.[3]
  • Back when Ivor was still in Episode 1 of Season 2, Eric had written a scene depicting Jesse visiting Ivor and Harper's lab seeking assistance with the Gauntlet. In the scene, Ivor's lab would have been adorned with numerous notes and contraptions, all aimed at aiding his quest to locate or establish contact with Soren, which had consumed his thoughts. Harper, while being supportive, would have also tried to gently encourage Ivor to let go and move on for his own well-being. It was a heartfelt scene, and Eric always felt disappointed that they were unable to include it in the final version.[3]
    • It was mentioned in the final version that Ivor was attempting to track down Soren.


For all images related to Soren the Architect, see Soren the Architect/Gallery.


Site Navigation[]

Minecraft: Story Mode
Jesse's Gang JesseAxelOliviaPetraLukasRadarReuben
The Old Order of the Stone Gabriel the WarriorIvorSoren the ArchitectEllegaard the Redstone EngineerMagnus the Rogue
Bosses Ender DragonWither StormIcy GolemGiant GhastGiant Magma Golem
The Blaze Rods AidenGillMaya
EnderCon AnnouncerIvySiggeReubenOtisD.J.OwenLydiaFanboyHenchman
Redstonia CalvinOld Farmer ManFarmer GloriaMabelDisco MickeySchoolboySandy
Boom Town NohrTNT DustinDeath Bowl Announcer
Beacontown WinkLawrenceFangirlBob
Portal Network


Sky City IsaMiloReginaldPhillipeBenedict
YouTubers Stampy CatStacy PlaysAnthonyLDShadowLadyDanTDMCaptain Sparklez
The Mansion Cassie RoseWinslowTorqueDawg
Crown Mesa HarryPAMA
The Old Builders HarperHadrianMeviaOtto
The Games NellEmilyHerzogSebastianSlab the ImmovableClutchFacemeatCapital TMeatfaceHeadpunchShinstomper
Jack's Group JackNurmVosSammy
Champion City LlunaStellaRodrigo
The Admins RomeoXaraFred
Sunshine Institute Large HenryOxbloodGeoffCharleyRobBrickCarmineTerryBig HankThe Warden
The Underneath HildaBloccoWillyWafflesWandaPorkChopSoupValGiant EndermanBintaKentCam
Alive characters appear in green. Deceased characters appear in red.

Unknown characters appear in blue. Determinant characters appear in purple.

Groups in Minecraft: Story Mode
Groups Members
Jesse's Gang JesseOliviaAxelReubenPetraLukasRadarIvor
The Ocelots LukasAidenMayaGill
The Blaze Rods AidenMayaGill
The Old Order of the Stone Soren the ArchitectGabriel the WarriorMagnus the RogueEllegaard the Redstone Engineer
Sky City Townspeople IsaBenedictMiloSky City GuardsPhillipe
YouTubers Captain SparklezLDShadowLadyDanTDMStacy PlaysStampy CatAnthony
Crown Mesa Citizens HarperHarryPAMA
The Old Builders HadrianMeviaOtto
Competitors EmilyNellHerzog
Gladiators Slab the ImmovableFacemeatClutchCapital T
Beacontown's Residents BobFangirlLawrenceWinkStacy PlaysStampy CatNell
Champion City's Residents StellaLlunaRodrigo
Jack's Group JackNurmVosSammy
Guests TerryBrickRobCarmineOxblood
Associates The WardenJesseLawrenceStellaLlunaAnthony

The Admins


Friends of Fred

Passive Mobs and Hostile Mobs PigsCowsSheepChickensHorsesOcelots/CatsWolvesSquidsCreepersZombiesSkeletons SpidersCave SpidersGhastsWitchesBlazesEndermitesGuardiansElder GuardiansIcy Ender CreepersShulkersIce SpidersStraysCreedersGeoff
People that are alive and groups that are still together appear in green. People that are deceased and groups that have disbanded members appear in red. People that haven't been seen and groups that haven't been seen appear in blue. People and groups that are determinant appear in pink.