Minecraft Story Mode Wiki

"Would you rather fight a hundred chicken-sized zombies, or ten zombie-sized chickens?"
—Olivia's first line, prompting Jesse to make their first decision in the game. src

Olivia is a major character in Minecraft: Story Mode developed by Telltale Games. She is an expert builder; especially proficient at constructing Redstone contraptions. And one of Jesse's closest friends, Olivia makes her first appearance in "The Order of the Stone" as a former competitive builder, eventually joining The new Order of The Stone.

She is voiced by Martha Plimpton in Season 1 and by Natasha Loring in Season 2.



Season One

Olivia is a young woman with dark, brown skin, she wears a red sleeveless tunic over a white shirt, black trousers, and gray leather boots. She has black eyes, her black hair being styled in pigtails along with a lime-green beanie topped with a pair of goggles. (Olivia chose to wear this specific eyewear due to how bright the redstone would glow[1])

She is accessorized in pearl earrings. (recolored golden in the netflix verison of the game) Soft pink tint across her umber cheeks, She wears dark red lipstick along with light purple eyeshadow applied on her eyelids.

In Episode four, she dons an armor similar to Ellegaard's, consisting of a black covering complete with gold linings, red shoulder guards, a white long-sleeve shirt underneath, black pants, and heavy brown boots. Her armor is finalized with a red gem in the center, a brown helmet along with golden goggles.

Season Two

Throughout Season Two, Olivia wears a red lab coat[2] embellished with gold buttons. She wears black leggings underneath, and gray boots similar to the ones from Season 1. In addition, Olivia has also kept her green beanie and pair of goggles, as well as the white earrings, though she no longer sports her signal pigtail hairstyle. Her mouth has visibly shrunk in size as well with the top lip being noticeably darker than the bottom.


Olivia is intelligent, witty, introverted and affectionate character who has a sharp sense of humor. She trusts in her companions. doing her best to look out for them, offering solutions to problems when she can.

In the first season, She was often insecure. Being affected by the viewpoints of others, Olivia admits to be worrying of being perceived as a loser in the presence of the Competitors, fretting about being looked down on.

As much she expresses faith in her friends' abilities, she takes a realistic approach to problems, making it harder for her to feel confident that things can improve at times. She still tries to makes the best out of situations, regardless of how dire they are.

However in Season 2, Olivia seems to have become much more confident.[3] She takes up residence in Redstonia, and while she is busy, she seems to have little issue with setting up events and taking part in activities, regardless of whether Ellegaard is dead or not.


"The Order of the Stone"

  • Redstone
  • Stone
  • Oak Wood Planks
  • Redstone Repeater
  • Oak Wood
  • Dispenser
  • Firework Rocket
  • Black Wool (determinant)
  • Lime Wool (determinant)
  • Green Wool (determinant)
  • Purple Stained Glass (determinant)
  • White Stained Glass (determinant)
  • Purple Wool (determinant)
  • Cyan Wool (determinant)
  • Lever
  • Cobblestone
  • Slimeball
  • Slime Block
  • Dirt (determinant)
  • Spruce Wood Planks (determinant)
  • Spruce Fence (determinant)
  • Cookie
  • Apple (determinant)
  • Flint
  • String

"Assembly Required (Redstonia)"

  • Glowstone Dust
  • Nether Brick
  • Coal
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Prismarine Crystal
  • Brick
  • Redstone

"The Last Place You Look"

  • Chiseled Stone Bricks

"A Block and a Hard Place"

  • Sand
  • Cake (determinant)
  • Piston
  • New Armor
  • Redstone Repeater
  • Slime Block
  • Dark Oak Wood Planks (determinant)
  • Ladder (determinant)
  • Rail (determinant)
  • Stone (determinant)
  • Redstone (determinant)
  • Slime Block (determinant)

"Order Up!"

  • Enchanted Bow
  • Arrow



"I thought I was your best friend?"
—Olivia to Jesse. (Determinant) src

Olivia is one of Jesse's first friends, and grew to be one of their closest. She supports and cares for Jesse whenever she can, and Jesse in return tries to raise her spirits whenever she feels doubtful.


"You are being ridiculous."
—Olivia to Axel after Lukas left the shelter. (Determinant) src

Although Axel and Olivia are often portrayed as polar opposites and clash beliefs with one another for most of the series, they never shy away from helping each other in dire situations and are still close friends.


Olivia ofttimes casts doubt on Reuben's abilities because he is a pig, and thinks of him as more as a liability. However, after Reuben is killed in the final battle against the Wither Storm, she mourns his death alongside the rest of the gang and drastically changes her perspective on him.


"I'm so glad you made it out alive, Petra."
—Olivia to Petra. (Determinant) src

Olivia initially thinks Petra as a very secretive person. Even so, the two quickly become friends, and Olivia seems to have an unspoken deep respect for Petra as a fighter. She'll be happy for Petra and take care with Axel. In "Above and Beyond", Olivia shows that she cares for Petra, as shown when she immediately embraces her after noticing that something was up.

Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer

"She wants me to do something for her! What if I screw it up? What if I- Oh, I feel lightheaded..."
—Olivia before fainting. (Determinant) src

Olivia bears a devout admiration of Ellegaard and even worships her at times. She faints at the sight of her idol at Redstonia. She takes Ellegaard's opinion highly, as shown when she believes that she "doesn't have what it takes to be a great engineer" shortly after meeting her.


"What are you doing here?! What did you see?"
—Ivor to Olivia in the Ivor's basement. (Determinant) src

Olivia, like the rest of the gang, initially sees Ivor as the main villain. However, in the time following the revelation about The Order of the Stone's fraudulence, her opinion about him changes but she still carries mild disdain for Ivor as seen when Jesse tells her that Ivor is with them, she immediately shows displeasure.


"He's smart. I like having him around."
—Olivia to Jesse about Lukas. (Determinant) src

Olivia and Lukas appear to have a firm friendship, and become fast friends. She gladly accepts Lukas as part of the group. If Jesse lets Lukas leave the shelter in Episode 1, Olivia will bitterly glare at both Jesse and Axel and retort, "You happy now?".


Season 1

Season 2


"Would you rather fight a hundred chicken-sized zombies or ten zombie-sized chickens?"
—Olivia to Jesse and Lukassrc
Jesse: "Can you throw up like... inside your body?"
Olivia: "Uh-huh. I know because I just did, about five times."
—Olivia and Jesse. src
"I thought I was your best friend!"
—Olivia to Jesse. (Determinant) src
"So, does this source of yours make posters for a living?"
—Olivia to Axel. src
"I'm for all kinds of parties to have. But especially for them I celebrate winning."
—Olivia to Jesse at EnderCon. (Determinant) src
"But you couldn’t have known what was going to happen."
—Olivia to Jesse. (Determinant) src
"Subtle. As a punch to the face."
—Olivia to Jesse at EnderConsrc
"If the Order can't even do this, how are we supposed to?"
—Olivia to Jesse in the Far Landssrc
"She wants me to do something for her? What if I screw it up? What if I- Oh, I feel, lightheaded... *faints*"
—Olivia about Ellegaard. (Determinant) src
"You mean, Lukas and Petra are still with you? That's such a relief!"
—Olivia to Jesse. (Determinant) src
"You guys are working way too hard!"
—Olivia preparing her arrow dispenser contraption at the Old Builder Temple. src
"That Atlas is so cool. I'm so glad Otto let you keep it."
—Olivia to Jesse at the Order Hallsrc
"Awww. So freaking cute!"
—Olivia about Radarsrc


  • The quote, "Would you rather fight a hundred chicken-sized zombies or ten zombie-sized chickens?" is a reference to the quote, "Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?".
    • Olivia is the first character to prompt Jesse to make a decision; this very question triggers the first choice options of the series.
    • Depending on what Jesse answers to Olivia's would-you-rather question, renowned Old Builders Hadrian and Mevia are imprisoned in a barren realm with either chicken-sized zombies or zombie-sized chickens in the post-credit scene of Episode 8.
  • Olivia is one of three characters in Minecraft: Story Mode that has two or more voice actors, the others being Jesse and Romeo.
    • She is the only one of the three who's change in voice isn't due to an option chosen by the player (as with the case with Jesse), nor due to transforming (as with the case with Romeo). Instead Martha Plimpton (who voiced her in season 1) was recasted by Natasha Loring in Season 2.
  • In the Minecraft Story Mode Skin Pack, Olivia's brown ring is on her right hand, while in the game, it is on her left hand.
  • She is the Redstonist of the order.
  • In the Netflix adaptation of Minecraft Story Mode Season One, her earrings are gold. In other ports of the game, her earrings are white.
  • Eric Stirpe confirmed that Olivia and Axel were absent in season 2 because the executives didn't like them as much as the rest of the cast and encouraged the writers to write them out as much as possible. They had a very large cast and only 5 episodes, so they couldn't fit everyone in.[4]


For all images related to Olivia, see Olivia/Gallery.


  1. https://stirpicus.tumblr.com/post/164106206721/whos-your-favorite-olivia-or-axel

Site Navigation

Minecraft: Story Mode
Jesse's Gang JesseAxelOliviaPetraLukasRadarReuben
The Old Order of the Stone Gabriel the WarriorIvorSoren the ArchitectEllegaard the Redstone EngineerMagnus the Rogue
Bosses Ender DragonWither StormIcy GolemGiant GhastGiant Magma Golem
The Blaze Rods AidenGillMaya
EnderCon AnnouncerIvySiggeReubenOtisD.J.OwenLydiaFanboyHenchman
Redstonia CalvinOld Farmer ManFarmer GloriaMabelDisco MickeySchoolboySandy
Boom Town NohrTNT DustinDeath Bowl Announcer
Beacontown WinkLawrenceFangirlBob
Portal Network


Sky City IsaMiloReginaldPhillipeBenedict
YouTubers Stampy CatStacy PlaysAnthonyLDShadowLadyDanTDMCaptain Sparklez
The Mansion Cassie RoseWinslowTorqueDawg
Crown Mesa HarryPAMA
The Old Builders HarperHadrianMeviaOtto
The Games NellEmilyHerzogSebastianSlab the ImmovableClutchFacemeatCapital TMeatfaceHeadpunchShinstomper
Jack's Group JackNurmVosSammy
Champion City LlunaStellaRodrigo
The Admins RomeoXaraFred
Sunshine Institute Large HenryOxbloodGeoffCharleyRobBrickCarmineTerryBig HankThe Warden
The Underneath HildaBloccoWillyWafflesWandaPorkChopSoupValGiant EndermanBintaKentCam
Alive characters appear in green. Deceased characters appear in red.

Unknown characters appear in blue. Determinant characters appear in purple.

Groups in Minecraft: Story Mode
Groups Members
Jesse's Gang JesseOliviaAxelReubenPetraLukasRadarIvor
The Ocelots LukasAidenMayaGill
The Blaze Rods AidenMayaGill
The Old Order of the Stone Soren the ArchitectGabriel the WarriorMagnus the RogueEllegaard the Redstone Engineer
Sky City Townspeople IsaBenedictMiloSky City GuardsPhillipe
YouTubers Captain SparklezLDShadowLadyDanTDMStacy PlaysStampy CatAnthony
Crown Mesa Citizens HarperHarryPAMA
The Old Builders HadrianMeviaOtto
Competitors EmilyNellHerzog
Gladiators Slab the ImmovableFacemeatClutchCapital T
Beacontown's Residents BobFangirlLawrenceWinkStacy PlaysStampy CatNell
Champion City's Residents StellaLlunaRodrigo
Jack's Group JackNurmVosSammy
Guests TerryBrickRobCarmineOxblood
Associates The WardenJesseLawrenceStellaLlunaAnthony

The Admins


Friends of Fred

Passive Mobs and Hostile Mobs PigsCowsSheepChickensHorsesOcelots/CatsWolvesSquidsCreepersZombiesSkeletons SpidersCave SpidersGhastsWitchesBlazesEndermitesGuardiansElder GuardiansIcy Ender CreepersShulkersIce SpidersStraysCreedersGeoff
People that are alive and groups that are still together appear in green. People that are deceased and groups that have disbanded members appear in red. People that haven't been seen and groups that haven't been seen appear in blue. People and groups that are determinant appear in pink.