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Minecraft Story Mode Wiki

The following is a transcript of Episode 2: Giant Consequences of Telltale Games' Minecraft: Story Mode - Season 2.

Previously on Minecraft: Story Mode...

Lukas: Old friends come in and move out of life, while new friends show up to fill the spaces left behind. We might not like it... but eventually, everyone learns that nothing can escape change forever. No matter how fraught with danger it may seem, the lure of adventure cannot be denied. Sometimes the danger itself is the pull... some heroes just want to be the one to discover the next ancient secret. To wield strange new powers. This new threat was more personal than any that had come before and the fight for their lives shook the foundation of everything they thought possible. But in the end, the town was saved. The heroes had won the day! And everyone could believe, for just one moment, that maybe things really hadn't changed at all. And then, that moment passed.


The people of Beacontown run towards the entrance to see the Prismarine Colossus, looming over them.


The townspeople cover their ears from the noise.


Townsperson 3: What does it mean? What does it WANT?

Townsperson 2: "Admin"?

Townsperson 3: Is it... what is that thing?

Radar: I am beyond scared right now.

  • (Saved Petra's Sword)
  • ...

Petra: Welp, guess Jack’s eye wasn’t enough for it.


Townsperson 1: What's going on?

Townsperson 4: Where'd it come from?

  • No one here by that name.
  • Stop scaring my town!
  • I'm right here!
  • ...

Jesse: Uh, sorry. You must be thinking of a different town, because there's no one here named Jesse.


Jesse: Whatever your beef is with me, leave my town out of it! They didn't do anything wrong.


Jesse: Well quit wishing, Admin. Because I’m right here.




Petra: Oh, boy.

Townsperson 4: “Admin”? Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Radar: Jesse... what's going on here?

Stampy: "Gauntlet-Bearer”? That’s all rather suspicious, isn’t it?

Stacy: No kidding...

Townsperson 5: I don’t like it, no sir I do not like it!

  • We're all doomed!
  • This might be my fault...
  • There's no need to worry.
  • ...

Jesse: Everybody, run! Hide! That’s THE ADMIN and he could destroy us all!

Several townspeople freak out and run away.

Townsperson 2: Well, if that, that Admin thing wants Jesse - We should just let him have his way!

Townsperson 1: What, sacrifice Jesse?

Radar: No way! No! Way!

Jesse: Uh, here’s the thing everyone. He’s calling me “The Gauntlet-Bearer” because of this, uh, gauntlet that I found. It won’t come off. And I guess that makes me like his chosen one or... something.

Townsperson 1: Okay... so... an “Admin.” A huge colossus at our door.

Townsperson 2: I’m all right with not freaking out. Yet.

Jesse: There's nothing to worry about. The... giant Prismarine colossus and I are going to work this out and everything can get back to normal. I swear.

Townsperson 1: Okay... so... an “Admin.” A huge colossus at our door.

Townsperson 2: I’m all right with not freaking out. Yet.

A townsperson freaks out and runs away.

Townsperson 2: Well, if that, that Admin thing wants Jesse - We should just let him have his way!

Townsperson 1: What, sacrifice Jesse?

Radar: No way! No! Way!

Townsperson 3: You’re going to fix this, right Jesse?

Radar: You won’t let it... destroy Beacontown, will you?

Stampy: Oh, I'm sure Jesse must have thought of something.

Stacy: I hope you're right...

  • I'll give up the Structure Block.
  • I'm gonna kick his butt!
  • Let me talk to him.
  • ...

Jesse: If this is about the Structure Block, then I’ll just give it back.

Petra: Sure hope you're right.

Jesse: I’ve got an idea for everyone. (Lifts fist) It involves these. (Lifts gauntlet) Especially this one.

Radar: Maybe I’ll go hide somewhere, then.

Jesse: Don't worry, everyone. I'm going to try talking to it.

Radar: Okay. Diplomacy. Nice. That sounds good.

Petra: I don't like it, Jesse. It's too quiet.


Petra: Guess you should get up there, “Gauntlet Bearer”...

Nell: Clay comin' your way!

Nell gives Jesse a stack of clay.

Jesse: Thanks, Nell. Perfect.

Jesse walks towards the nearest building to the Admin and uses clay blocks to reach the roof. The Admin kneels to Jesse's level.

Colossus: AH... THERE YOU ARE, JESSE. Ahem. I loved what you did with the Witherstorm. Awesome stuff. Oh, this is going to be perfect! You've got the knack.

  • You're acting weird.
  • Why, thank you!
  • This is a trick!
  • ...

Jesse: You are... acting very weird, Mr. Admin. What's your game here?

Colossus: Game? (Chuckles) Why, the greatest game of all!

Jesse: Why... yes, thanks for noticing.

Colossus: Seriously, you're a natural.

Jesse: I don’t know whether you’re trying to get my guard down or what, but I won’t be fooled by your tricks, Admin.

Colossus: Oh, no, no, no. No tricks! I'm serious.

Colossus: Ah, ah, ah, I see. You're confused. Let me explain...

Colossus: That's why I left you the gauntlet.

Jesse: You... left it?

Colossus: To tempt you down to the Sea Temple.

The Admin gets up and walks towards the entrance gate.


Jesse: No!

The Admin steps through the gate, obliterating it. The townspeople run away in fear.

Townsperson 4: Look out!

Colossus: ME.

Jesse runs to the edge of the roof.


  • Do your worst!
  • You're completely crazy!
  • Enough talk. Let's fight!
  • ...

Jesse: (Pulls out sword) Not today, Admin! Beacontown can take anything you throw at it.

Jesse: (Pulls out sword) Okay, I get it now - you are totally cuckoo!

Jesse: (Pulls out sword) Enough talk. Let’s fight.

Jesse pulls out their sword.

Colossus: UN, UGH, AH- HOLD ON...

The Admin pulls out a giant clock and starts rotating it, changing the day to night.


Jesse: Oh. He's powerful.

Monsters are seen entering Beacontown through it's former gate.


Jesse backs away in fear.


The townspeople run around in panic. The Admin reaches over to destroy the building Jesse is standing on. Jesse evades the Admin and jumps onto another building, before hiding behind a pillar.

  • (Saved Petra's Sword)
  • (Saved Jack's Eye)

Petra climbs up to the building and runs to Jesse.

Petra: Not good, Jesse. Really not good. Beacontown is gonna be like, like one big smash-fest to this guy!

  • (Chose the Tower of the Warrior)
  • (Chose the Wall of the Builder)

Petra: Ugh. Not even Miss Butter’s gonna do anything against that Colossus. We need something bigger. like a-

Jesse: Like the Structure Block! Buy me time. I’m going to plant some Arrow Towers. That should make tall, dark, and ugly regret smashing my town.

Petra: We need to help people. He’s gonna break everything! Swords aren’t gonna cut it. Augh! What can we do?

Jesse: How about a bunch of obsidian walls? Structure Block time. If you can cause a distraction, I can plant some of these guys. They’ll help hold the city.

Petra: One major distraction, coming up. Go, Jesse!

Petra jumps onto a nearby roof.

Petra: Hey Stone Face! Over here!

The Colossus approaches Petra.

Petra: Yeah, that's right!


Petra: Ooh! Let’s see how you deal with the enchanted deliciousness of Miss Butter!


Petra: I’ll take you down one block at a time!

The Colossus laughs and knocks Petra off the roof.

Jack climbs up to the building and runs to Jesse.

Jack: This reminds me of, uh... no, actually, it doesn't. This is pretty bad.

  • (Chose the Tower of the Warrior)
  • (Chose the Wall of the Builder)

Jack: All the swords in Beacontown won’t be enough to take this monstrosity down.

Jesse: Who needs swords when you have the Structure Block? Buy me time. I’m going to plant some Arrow Towers. That should make tall, dark, and ugly regret smashing my town.

Jack: These people aren’t going to stand a chance, Jesse. They’re in the eye of the storm and you know what the tribe of B’chkta say: swords can’t block wind.

Jesse: But a whole bunch of obsidian walls can! Structure Block time. If you can cause a distraction, I can plant some of these guys. They’ll help hold the city.

Jack: No one’s a better distraction than me. Go for it!

Jack jumps onto a nearby roof.

Jack: Hey! Woohoo! Chew on me, monster! I never liked Prismarine anyway!

The Colossus approaches Jack.

Colossus WHAT A LIAR.

Jack: Say that to my face and I’ll show you who’s lying. You are! Ha!


Jack: Ha! Ha! Hi-yah! Wha-tah! Do not get in my threatening range! Hyah, hyah, hwah!

The Colossus laughs and knocks Jack off of the roof.

  • (Chose the Tower of the Warrior)
  • (Chose the Wall of the Builder)

Jesse places some towers, which shoot multiple arrows at the Colossus. The Colossus moves out of the way.


The Colossus destroys the bridge and crushes the towers on it. Jesse jumps off the bridge to avoid him and lands on the ground.

Jesse runs to the townspeople and places obsidian walls to protect them from mobs.

Townsperson 1: AHHH- (Realises he's being saved) Ah? Ah. Jesse! Oh, oh, thank you!

Jesse places an obsidian wall to protect another group of townspeople.

Townsperson 4: You. Are. The. Best!

Jesse places an obsidian wall to protect another group of townspeople.

Townsperson 4: That’s the way, Jesse. Thanks. Mean it.


The Colossus prepares to step on Jesse, who dodges his foot and jumps out of the way.

Jesse: (Looking around) The- the- where's the Structure Block?!

Jesse looks behind them to see the Colossus has picked up the Structure Block.


The Colossus eats the Structure Block, then prepares to crush Jesse with his foot. Jesse jumps out of the way, then runs to a nearby building and hides behind it. Two townspeople are also hiding there and wave to Jesse.

Jesse: (To self) Okay... this is a little intense, but I guess a giant colossus did follow me home.


The townspeople run away in fear. Jesse runs towards the street and hides behind another building.


Jesse climbs a ladder into the building.

Colossus SO ANNOYING...

Jesse hides behind a pillar and looks at the back of the Colossus' head.

Jesse: That design on the back of his head... I've seen it before. The Prismarine soldiers back at the Sea Temple had the same symbol!

Jesse sneaks to the wall and looks back to see the Colossus, standing right in front of the building and looking towards them.

Jesse: Agh!

Colossus AH, THERE WE ARE.

Jesse: (Pulls out sword) All right, Admin. You want a fight? You got one. Here I am!

The Colossus laughs as he grabs Jesse from the building. Jesse tries to swing their sword at the Colossus, but to no avail.


The Colossus prepares to eat Jesse.

Lukas: Hey, rock-face! Eat this!

Lukas shoots an arrow at the Colossus' eye.

Colossus ARGH!

Lukas rides his horse towards the Colossus, as he begins to drop Jesse.

  • Land on Horse
  • Do Nothing

Jesse lands on the back of Lukas' horse.

Jesse: Ha! Lukas!

Lukas: Good to see you too!

Jesse lands on the ground and gets up.

Lukas: Graceful as ever. Come on, we gotta hoof it.

They ride away from the Colossus.

Colossus (Angry) JESSE!

Lukas: What is that?!

Jesse: Quick version? The Admin! He, like, built the world or something!

Lukas: Okay... are you all right? I mean, he really had you up there. Everything still in one piece?

  • That was too close!
  • I missed you!
  • Thanks, Lukas!
  • ...

Jesse: What took you so long?

Lukas: Hey, riding to the rescue takes time, all right?

Jesse: Am now! Man, I missed you.

Lukas: Aw... you're just saying that because I pulled you from the literal jaws of doom.

Jesse: Lukas, you just saved my life. Thank you.

Lukas: Of course. I always wanted to ride into battle.

Lukas: If you’re in shock, I’d suggest snapping out of it. We’re gonna need you.

The Colossus continues to destroy buildings.

Lukas: I sure hope you've got an idea here.

Jesse: I saw a spot on the back of his head that I'm hoping might be the key to defeating him.

Colossus (Background) YOU CAN'T OUTRUN ME FOREVER!

Lukas: (Dismounts horse) Sounds like I better keep him distracted, then.

Jesse: Thanks, Lukas. Be careful.

Lukas runs towards the Colossus.


Lukas stands on a roof.

Lukas: (Aiming bow) Hey, blockhead! You want Jesse, you need to go through me first! And I don't think you stand a chance!

Lukas shoots an arrow at the Colossus' leg.


Lukas jumps down.

Jesse: (Mounts horse) All right, girl. Let’s see what you got. Hi-yah!

Jesse rides to the Colossus, who is trying to find Lukas.

Lukas: (Idle comments) Not in there! Try again, ugly! Are you blind? Ha! Fooled ya!

Jesse jumps off the horse and climbs onto the Colossus' foot.

Colossus (Looking over shoulder) I KNEW YOU'D COME. EVENTUALLY.

Jesse: You don't know anything about me!

The Colossus tries to knock Jesse, who jumps onto his back and continues climbing upwards.


The Colossus steps near Reuben's memorial.

Jesse: Hey!


The Colossus crushes Reuben's memorial with his foot.

Jesse: No! You're gonna wish you hadn't done that, Admin.

The Colossus tries to knock Jesse, who grabs onto his arm.

Jesse: Hoo boy!


The Colossus tries to crush Jesse, who runs out of the way.

Jesse: I don't think. I know.

Jesse climbs onto the Colossus' head, looking down at Reuben's memorial.


Jesse climbs to the back of the Colossus' head and punches the symbol with the gauntlet, defeating the Colossus.

Colossus AUGH... WELL... FOUGHT... MY... CHAMPION.

The Colossus disappears and the clock falls to the ground, along with Jesse. Jesse gets back up, rubbing their head.

Lukas: That was really something.

Stacy: Stay behind me, Stampy!

Stampy: Ah! Don't let the googlies take me!

Petra and Jack fight the monsters.

Jesse: Oh man. Those are gonna keep coming in until we get the sun back up.

Jesse and Lukas run to the clock.

Radar: Any idea how to use it?

  • Reset Clock
  • Do Nothing

Jesse resets the clock.

Lukas: Jesse, what are you waiting for?

Lukas resets the clock.

The group looks up as the night turns back to day. The monsters burn from the sunlight and disappear.

Stampy: Oh, thank goodness!

The townspeople help rebuild Beacontown using the Prismarine that was dropped on the Colossus' destruction.

Radar: (To clock) I can't believe it still works!

Lukas: Man, this thing could be super dangerous.

Lukas looks at Jesse's gauntlet.

Lukas: How sure are you that this Admin guy is gone?

  • I do still have his glove.
  • That's a scary question.
  • He's totally defeated.
  • ...

Jesse: You make a compelling point, Lukas. My hand IS still trapped in this freaky gauntlet.

Lukas: Yeah... not to be a worrier, but he might not be as dead as we hope.

Radar: I'm worried enough for both of us.

Jesse: I don’t know. If we destroyed that huge thing and he’s still alive? That’s kinda scary.

Radar: (Screams)

Lukas: I don’t know how much more Beacontown can take.

Jesse: Do you see a giant walking statue still standing? The Admin is finished. Defeated. Done-zo.

Lukas: All I’m saying is we have no idea what else he’s capable of.

Lukas: It’s something that we should at least consider.

Jesse: (To clock) Someone should keep an eye on this thing.

Lukas: Yeah. I can take first watch-

Radar: Actually, I'll volunteer. I want to help.

Lukas: Jesse, I’d say we both do it, but one of us should really get started on the repairs. (To Radar) It’s a nice gesture, but maybe you should just let me handle it.

Radar: Look, I promise. The minute I see anything out of the ordinary I’m coming to get you as fast as my hustlesticks will carry me... my, uh, my legs. Come on, Jesse. I can do this.

  • (Left Radar in Charge)
  • (Didn't Leave Radar in Charge)

Radar: Jesse’s left me in charge before.

Lukas: This is a whole new level, though...

Radar: I know you didn’t think I was ready to watch a whole town... but I can watch a clock.

Lukas: I dunno buddy. It’s a pretty dangerous clock...

  • I believe in you, Radar.
  • Lukas should guard it.
  • ...

Jesse: All right, Radar. I officially bequeath on you the title of “Clockmaster.”

Radar: Thank you Jesse. I solemnly promise to uphold the duties of Clockmaster and to only use my powers for good.

Jesse: Yeah, good. That’s good.

Jesse: Sorry Radar, we really need someone a little... sturdier keeping an eye on this. I think Lukas should do it.

Radar: I see...

Lukas: Fair warning, I am just going to take Radar’s plan of running to get help if anything happens. That was a good plan.

Radar: Heh. Thanks.

Radar: I see...

Lukas: Fair warning, I am just going to take Radar’s plan of running to get help if anything happens. That was a good plan.

Radar: Heh. Thanks.

Lukas: So, what are you going to do now?

Jesse: I figured I’d start with Reuben’s memorial. It got pretty trashed.

Lukas: Oh man. Well, that's terrible. I'm so sorry. That Admin, just... no respect.

  • It's nobody's fault.
  • It'll be all right.
  • Yeah, it's bad.
  • ...
Jesse: Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault.

Lukas: No, it was like a... "I feel terrible" I'm sorry.
Jesse: It'll be all right. Damage isn't TOO terrible.

Lukas: We're gonna put the pieces back together, though. You'll see.
Jesse: I appreciate that. Feels pretty bad.

Lukas: We're gonna put the pieces back together, though. You'll see.
Lukas: We’ll make it right, Jesse. We are going to rebuild.

Lukas: And, um, when I asked you what you’re gonna do, I was actually talking about that glove of yours. 'Cause I gotta tell ya Jesse... this whole “Admin” thing? It’s... well, it’s very you, I guess is what I’m saying. Well, I know you say you're trying to settle down and run Beacontown, but... it just seems like you can't quit that life, you know? I mean, you don’t exactly see Axel and Olivia getting mixed up in stuff like this.

  • This place is my life too!
  • It's hurting people.
  • Maybe you're right.
  • ...

Jesse: I don't care if "that life" keeps trying to drag me back. I like Beacontown! I like helping people!

Lukas: That's great, then! I mean, the people clearly love you.

Jesse: I thought I could run Beacontown AND go off on adventures, but a lot of people almost got hurt. Because of me.

Lukas: Aw, I mean... don't be too hard on yourself, all right? Everyone's fine. And they clearly love you.

Jesse: Maybe you're right.

Lukas: Well, today goes to show that the people will love you no matter what.

Lukas: Aw, I mean... don't be too hard on yourself, all right? Everyone's fine. And they clearly love you.

Lukas: I, uh... I didn't say any of that stuff to be mean. We've had a ton of adventures and I just want you to be happy. (Looks at memorial) I mean, that's what that little pig wanted for all of us.

  • (Sent Radar to Guard the Clock)
  • (Sent Lukas to Guard the Clock)

Lukas: Now go rebuild his monument. I promised Stampy and Stacy I’d help them get their houses fixed up.

Jesse: Sounds good. I'll see ya later, Lukas.

Lukas: So go rebuild that monument of his. I’ll stay and guard the clock.

Jesse: Thanks, Lukas.

Jesse walks to the memorial and picks up the sign.

Jesse: Okay, let's see what we can do for ya, buddy.

  • Place at Least Four Blocks
  • Place Nothing
Jesse: There. Now that is a monument fit for Reuben.
Jesse: There. Reuben always appreciated a minimalist approach. Except when it came to food, that is.

Nell: I know I never met Robin-

Jesse: Reuben.

Nell: Oh, right. Righteous. Oh! By the way, Petra was looking for you before. Over thataway.

Jesse: Thanks, Nell.

Jesse looks around for Petra and approaches Jack and Vos, who are using Crafting Tables.

Jack: Aw c’mon. You remember Twisting Death Cavern. You couldn’t even look at a bat for months. Right?

Vos: Oh, oh yes. They all just start to blue together after a while...

Jesse: Hey guys, Petra around? Heard she was looking for me.

Jack: Oh, uh, yeah, um... helping Nurm get some stuff, I think. She should be back in a second.

Vos: Amazing work fighting that "Admin" fellow, by the way. Just stunning.

Jack: Yeah. I would've thought you'd been doing it your whole life. It was... artful.

  • Wasn't my first epic battle.
  • Hey, you helped too!
  • Just lucky, I guess.
  • ...

Jesse: Well, it’s not like it was my first battle against an impossible foe.

Vos: Oh?

Jack: Witherstorm. I’ll get you the book - it’s actually a pretty good read.

Jesse: Aw, I can’t take all the credit - you guys totally helped too!

  • (Saved Petra's Sword)
  • (Saved Jack's Eye)

Jack: Spare me the pity "props," Jesse. Don't need 'em.

Jesse: Hey, it wasn't pity-

Jack: I'm just saying I know I'm still getting used to fighting with only one eye.. It's cool. I'm just glad my shops all right.

Jack: Aww, please. It's true, though. I was pretty good back there. Whoo. That Admin should consider himself lucky he didn't go after my shop. He would've really gotten a taste of the Midnight Thunder... eh, that's, uh, me.

Jesse: What can I say? Just lucky, I guess.

Jack: Hm. If there's one thing I've learned about "lucky" people, there's always more to it than just "luck."

Jack: Ah, the old "humble, silent hero" approach. Nice. One I've never been terrible good at. Always been more of a people person, y’know. That’s why I started my shop in the first place. Y’know?

Vos: It’s a little sad that the legendary Jack, “The Iron Sword of Mooji Lake,” has been reduced to some... tour guide.

Jack: Vos...

Vos: That's why I think this adventure to Twisting Death Cavern is just what you need to-

Jack: (Under breath) Shut up.

Vos: What you should just... continue to keep taking about. For someday far off.

Jack: Uh, yeah, yeah, agreed. Love theoretical conversations.

Vos: Oh! Yes, yes. Quite.

  • What do I care?
  • You're terrible liars.
  • Stop acting weird.
  • ...

Jesse: You guys can talk about having some new adventure planned - what do I care?

Jack: Ha, I guess that’s true. Yeah, we’ve just got a new expedition on the horizon.

Jesse: Wow, I thought Jack was a bad liar, but you’re pretty terrible at it too Vos.

Vos: Yes, okay, fine. We have a new adventure planned.

Jesse: Okay, you two. What are you hiding? You’re being weird.

Vos: Oh! Nothing... yes, okay, fine. We have a new adventure planned.

Vos: Yes, okay, fine. We have a new adventure planned.

Petra is seen walking with Nurm.

Petra: Hang on, hang on, I missed that last part. If we take that road, it goes through a swamp AND a mesa biome?

Nurm: [“Yeah!”]

Petra: Okay, okay then it’s settled. The earlier we leave, (Sees Jesse) the better...

Jesse: Wait, you're leaving with these guys?

Petra: Er... yeah.

Jack: And that’s, uh... yeah, that's why we were... being weird before and, y'know, talking about, y'know, possible stuff...

  • You didn't even tell me.
  • It's cool... I guess.
  • But we're rebuilding.
  • ...

Jesse: Were you even going to tell me? Or were you just going to sneak off?

Petra: Of course I was gonna tell you. I was just... working up to it. Slowly.

Jesse: That’s cool... I guess. Is this really that important to you?

Petra: I... yes... kind of?

Jesse: But we haven’t even rebuilt yet, Petra.

Petra: Well, I didn’t think you... needed me for that.

Jesse looks down and crosses their arms.

Petra: Aw, no. No, no, no. Not that face.

Petra: Jesse, I promise I can explain. I just-

A snowflake falls from the sky.

Petra: Whoa. Wait, what?

Jesse looks around to see hundreds more snowflakes falling from the sky.

Petra: It's... impossible. This isn't a snow biome.

Jesse holds out their hand and watches as a snowflake falls onto the gauntlet. The gauntlet reacts, lighting up.

Jesse: The Admin.

Golem: The one and only!

The Admin appears behind the group as a Snow Golem, with a blue coat and a black top hat.

Golem: I had so much fun during our last little battle, super epic! Just couldn’t stay away.

Jesse: Wait, you're the Admin?

Golem: That giant PRISMARINE COLOSSUS? Haha! Just a construct. Rolled it up for the occasion. Pretty fun, right? I just thought it’d be a little easier to talk like this. It’s kinda... cuddly, right?

  • That's your idea of fun?
  • You're such a jerk!
  • It was kinda cool.
  • ...

Jesse: Hold up. That was your idea of fun?

Golem: Uh, yeah? I mean with the smashing and the punching and the crazy do-or-die plans to protect the little people? Unbelievable!

Jesse: I don’t know what kind of game you think you’re playing, but you’re being a jerk. You could seriously hurt people!

Golem: Aw, c’mon. C’mon, don’t do me like that. You have to admit you’ve been having a little fun along the way. All those Guardian fish? The temple? ‘Ey?

Jesse: Fighting a giant statue in the middle of town? Okay, yeah, that was kinda cool.

Golem: Aw, see! I knew you'd know what I was talking about.

Golem: Ah now, now I can tell you’re... actually, I can’t tell how you’re feeling. Anger? Joy? Petite ennui? Help me to help you.

Golem: See, you four? Went into my temple, back out alive. Heroes. You're perfect for my creations. Perfect!

Jesse: Where are you going with this?

Golem: Got a new challenge for ya. Trust me, you're gonna love it.

The Admin claps his hands, turning day back to night. The clock disappears from it's position. The townspeople back away in fear as the sounds of monsters are heard. Stampy and Stacy watch while hiding behind a bush.

Jesse: Not again!

Golem: You hear that? That’s a diamond-class wave of doom and destruction headed right for town. Prety good, right? Been working on that one.

Vos: You're insane!

Nurm: ["Yeah!"]

Jack: You'll never get away with this.

  • Leave my people alone!
  • Mobs don't scare me.
  • Not on my watch!
  • ...

Jesse: I know you have your plans or whatever, but leave my people out of it! They’re innocent!

Golem: (Chuckles) "Innocent" or "incentive?" I dunno, seems like they've got you pretty motivated.

Jesse: Oh, come on. Some zombies? (Sarcastically) So scary.

Golem: Ooh, a hero with attitude. I love it. Really do!

Jesse: They don’t stand a chance, Admin. I’m going to stop each and every one of your monsters.

Golem: Ooh, a hero with attitude. I love it. Really do!

Golem: I get it, I get it, you’re angry. Heh, well, that’ll pass.

Golem: Ahem. Your town will be trapped in eternal, snowy night, forever plagued by deadly waves of mobs... until you recapture that clock.

Jack: Which is where?

Golem: I’m glad you asked. It’s at the tippy top of my awesome, fantastic, super-deadly icy palace of despair. It's simple, just follow the path. You can't miss it.

The Admin point towards a glowing icy path, leading away from Beacontown.

Petra: Well, that sounds needlessly dangerous.

Golem: Oh, it is. I mean, I don't wanna brag, but it is, like, really hard. You'll see.

  • Challenge accepted.
  • This isn't a game!
  • Are you insane?
  • ...

Jesse: Fine. We accept your challenge. I’m going to get that clock, and then you’re next.

Golem: Oh, that one gave me the shivers. You are legit, Jesse. Very excited.

Jesse: You’re putting innocent people in danger just for your games?

Golem: Yeah, well technically, you’re the one putting them in danger if you don’t go after the clock. So, uh...

Jesse: Are you insane? Are you just an actual crazy person?

Golem: Is it because I look like this? Yeah, I can see why you'd think that. But no. No, no, no. I'm just fine. I promise ya.

Golem: Speechless, right? Understandable.

Jesse: Why are you doing this? What do you want from us?

Golem: Why? (Approaches Jesse) Why?! Because it's fun, obviously! Why, this is gonna be epic!

  • [Attack the Admin]
  • [Play It Cool]

Jesse pulls out their sword and slashes the Admin, breaking his head off.

Jack: Whaaat? Oh, come on! Time to show this goon what the Skitarro Crag-Jumpers do to town destroyers!

Jack pulls out his sword and slashes the Admin, breaking his head off.

The group watch as the Admin's head re-appears.

Golem: You think you've got it all figured out, don't you?

The Admin claps his hands, spawning Strays into the area.

Golem: Ahh, strays. Pesky little consequence of eternal night. And, hahaha... Beacontown’s new neighbors, until you take care of that clock. Remember. Find the clock, save the town. Buh-bye now!

The Admin disappears.

Jesse: (Pulls out sword) Augh! We need to protect the people!

Vos and Nurm run the other direction.

Vos: Run! Hide, everyone!

Nurm: [“Yeah! Run! Get to cover!”]

The townspeople run in fear as the Strays target them with arrows. Jesse, Petra and Jack fight off the last of the strays and zombies, before putting their swords away.

Jack: I've got a bad feeling more will be on the way soon.

Lukas: Guys?!

Lukas and Radar approach Jesse.

  • (Sent Radar to Guard the Clock)
  • (Sent Lukas to Guard the Clock)

Radar: Jesse! I am so sorry. I was standing guard, watching it so close, but it just disappeared!

Lukas: Jesse! It was the craziest thing- that clock just vanished from under my nose.

Jesse: I know. And now the situation is just going to get worse, until we get it back.

Petra: Yeah. From his icy palace of despair or whatever.

  • (Sent Radar to Guard the Clock)
  • (Sent Lukas to Guard the Clock)

Radar: Wherever you’re going, I’m coming too. I was given the title, and the power, of Clockmaster.

Radar: I'm coming too.

  • (Left Radar in Charge of Beacontown)
  • (Didn't Leave Radar in Charge of Beacontown)

Radar: I was happy to stay behind and watch Beacontown last time you left, but this time I wanna do more.

Radar: I know you didn’t trust me to watch the clock, or guard the town... but I promise, I can help.

Radar: If it’s to keep Beacontown safe... I’ll do anything.

Lukas: Really?

Radar nods.

  • Just stay out of danger.
  • But you scare easily.
  • Proud of you, Radar.
  • ...

Jesse: Just... do me a favor and try to stay out of danger, okay?

Radar: Okay. I’ll try not to be... a burden.

Jesse: Really? I thought you were too scared to do things like this.

Radar: I... I thought I was, too. But I just feel like there are times when the little guy needs to step up... and, well, maybe this is my time.

Jesse: Oh, man. Proud of you, Radar.

Radar: Really?

Jesse: Of course!

Radar: Well, I... I won’t let you down!

Radar: It’ll be great. I promise. I can be great too!

Jesse: All right, everyone. We've got a clock to find.

Jack: (To Nurm) Can't let you come along on this one, old friend.

Nurm: [“But Jack-”]

Jack: I promise. I will come back.

Nurm: [“Wish I was coming. But... alas.”]

  • We will be back soon.
  • Protect the town.
  • Stay safe, Nurm.
  • ...

Jesse: Uh, see ya, Nurm. We'll be back soon.

Nurm: ["Oh, uh, yeah. Bye."]

Jesse: Just protect the town while we’re gone, all right?

Nurm: ["Aye-aye, boss."]

Jesse: You stay safe, Nurm, okay?

Nurm: ["Okay..."]

Jesse says nothing.

Nurm hugs Jesse. Stampy and Stacy leave their hiding places and run to Jesse.

Stacy: Is that... thing gone?

Jesse: Yeah. For now. Block this up after we leave, would ya?

Stacy: On it.

Stampy: Yes, we will defend Beacontown with our very lives!

Jesse: Thanks, guys. Bye, Nurm!

Nurm: ["Bye!"]

Stampy: We're all counting on you!

Stacy: I wish I knew more about whatever their quest is...

Jesse holds a torch and leads the group out of Beacontown.


The group make their way through the forest. Ominous sounds are heard.

Jesse: Stay close.

Jack: I don't mean to sound suspicious, but do we really think the Admin is going to keep his word about this clock?

Petra: Yeah, I don't exactly get a "trustworthy" vibe off of him.

  • He better keep his word.
  • I think he's crazy.
  • Why would he lie?
  • ...

Jesse: If he knows what’s good for him, he better keep his deal. We get the clock, the town’s freed from eternal darkness.

Petra: And hey, if he doesn't stick to the deal? We'll just need to find another, punchier, way to convince him.

Jesse: Were you listening to him? He’s a total wacko. I bet even he doesn’t know what his gameplan is.

Vos: I wouldn’t be so quick to write him off, Jesse... it could all be a ruse.

Jack: I’m with Jesse, actually. I think he’s a few rails short of a full track.

Jesse: I dunno. I mean, I thought he seemed sincere. Why set all this up if he wasn't going to really let us fix things?

Jack: Yeah, well, color me skeptical...

Radar: I just hope we can fix everything.

Petra: Don't worry, Radar. It's under control.

Radar: I hope you're right... he seemed really really powerful.

Petra: And hey, if he doesn't stick to the deal? We'll just need to find another, punchier, way to convince him.

Petra walks closer to Jesse.

Petra: Hey, Jesse. Uh... can we... um... talk?

Vos: I'll... just walk a little more over here.

Radar: Oh! Uh, right, me, me... me too.

Petra: (To Jesse) About that trip with Jack... I promise, it's not like it seems. It's just a little trip. A little time away from Beacontown. To, I dunno, find myself?

  • You didn't invite me.
  • You're coming back, right?
  • Did I do something wrong?
  • ...

Jesse: And you didn't invite me. You didn't even tell me until I caught you.

Petra: I thought you would be busy with all the rebuilding and everything. I know that’s important to you.

Jesse: You're gonna come back, right?

Petra: Sure... of course.

Jesse: I just don't get it. Did I do something to make you angry?

Petra: No... no, it's not about you. It's just something... something I need to do... augh. I don't know, dude. It's hard.

Petra: No, no, don't make the hurt face. Ahh, I hate that face.

Petra: I... I really am sorry that it happened this way. I was just so excited to be hanging out with real, hardcore adventurers again... especially because I was worried that you- that you didn't need me anymore.

  • So then you just leave?
  • Of course I need you.
  • C'mon, we're still friends!
  • ...

Jesse: So you decide the best idea is to ditch me?

Jesse: Petra... of course I need you. That's ridiculous.

Jesse: Uh, hello? Just because we don't spend as much time together doesn't mean I'm not still your friend, dummy.

Petra: Oh, you are so not helping.

Petra: Augh... see? This is why it would've been so much easier if you hadn't found out like this. It's just... everything's so different from when we first became friends. Everything's... changed. Lukas, Axel, Olivia... they all changed too. They found what made them happy. Their "thing." But me? I still haven't found mine. Do you know how hard that is? How... how that feels?

  • You're an adventurer!
  • Only you can answer that.
  • Your "thing" is friendship.
  • ...

Jesse: I mean if I’m honest, it does seem like adventure is your calling. The open road.

Petra: Right? That's kinda what I thought too.

Jesse: I think we both know that you’re the only one that can find the answer to that, Petra.

Petra: Yeah, I know. Just wish existential crises came with maps, y'know?

Jesse: Your “thing” is that you help your friends. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Petra.

Petra: Yeah... I guess. And I feel the same way about you, of course.

Petra: It's okay. I know I can't expect you to have all the answers for everything.

Another ominous sound is heard. The group stops moving and Jesse walks ahead, torch in hand. Lluna steps out of the shadows.

Jesse: Lluna?

Lluna bleats.

Vos: Is that a scarf on that llama?

Petra: Huh. Think she ran away again?

Lukas: Uh, excuse me. Speaking for the group... you guys know a llama?

Vos: Where'd she come from?

  • Yeah, she's goofy.
  • I'm not a fan.
  • Kinda cute, right?
  • ...

Jesse: She's just a goofy llama. Little weird, but nice enough.

Stella: Don’t know if you’ve looked in the mirror lately, but I’d watch who you’re calling “goofy.”

Jesse: Oh, we know her all right. She kicked me for absolutely no reason when we found her in a cave.

Lluna spits at Jesse.

Jesse: Oh, and I almost forgot that lovely little talent.

Stella: If I had to take a guess, I’d say you probably deserved it.

Jesse: This is Lluna. She's kinda cute, right? We returned her to her owner, Stella.

Stella: She is cute, isn't she?

Stella: Ah, there you are, Lluna.

Stella: Everyone get away from my Llama!

Petra: No...

Stella: Jesse, my rival. Should've known I would find you here.

Lluna bleats.

Stella: Hush, I'm talking.

  • Hi, Stella.
  • You should go home.
  • Stella, my nemesis.
  • Still not your rival.
  • ...

Jesse: Yeah. Hi, Stella.

Stella: "Hi?" That's all you have to say for yourself?

Jesse: Stella, listen. I don't know what you think you're doing here, but you should get home. It's dangerous.

Stella: Hmph. Trying to hog all this... whatever it is for yourself? I see your game.

(If Jesse played along with Stella)

Jesse: Yes, it is I. It’s been some time since I’ve seen you, my... nemesis.

Stella: I’ve dreamt of challenging you again since our last confrontation.

(If Jesse didn't play along with Stella)

Jesse: Yeah, I'm... I'm still really not your rival.

Stella: So you say. And yet here, we still meet.

Stella approaches Jesse. They stare at each other, silently.

Lukas: Okay, what is going on here?

Jesse: Lukas, this is Stella. The leader of Champion City. (To Stella) This is Jack, Vos and Radar.

Stella: Jacques, was it? As in the legendary champion?

Jesse: So... what exactly are you doing here, Stella?

Stella: My beautiful city is currently covered in a hideous coat of snow, that's what. I came out to investigate and, surprise surprise, it's you. If you're smart, you'll undo... whatever it is you did and put things right again.

Petra: Just... wow.

  • Don't blame me!
  • Surprised you're alone.
  • You are so delusional.
  • Stop playing the hero.
Jesse: It wasn't me that did this... it was the Admin.

Stella: Huh? I don't know who this "Adam" is, but it seems awfully rude to pin it on him.

Jesse: No! Admin. Ad-min. He's like, argh, he's a big giant bad guy. Super powerful.

Stella: Hm?
(If Jesse chose to fight into Stella's Treasure Room)

Jesse: Can't believe you're all alone. Thought you had people to do things like this for you.

Stella: Huh, that's what you think. But when Champion City is threatened, I am not going to refuse the call.

Petra: For the love of... we're chasing the bad guy that did it. You really think Jesse has the power to do something like this?
Jesse: You are just... wow. Just absolutely delusional.

Stella: Am I? Or is that just what you want me to think?

Petra: For the love of... we're chasing the bad guy that did it. You really think Jesse has the power to do something like this?
(If Jesse chose to sneak into Stella's Treasure Room)

Jesse: Pretending to be a hero again, huh? Just like back in your treasure room?

Stella: I- No! Just… I am going to fix it!

Vos: I believe we have it well-covered, Miss. We’re on our way to fight a mighty adversary and set things right.
Stella: No? Nothing to say? Classic.

Vos: I believe we have it well-covered, Miss. We're on our way to fight a mighty adversary and set things right.

Stella: All right, let's say I believe you. I suppose I'll just have to find a way to fix it. It's my world too, after all. (Mounts Lluna) You'll see, I'll fix it all on my own. I don't need any of you... losers.

Stella stops talking and everyone looks up towards the moon, which appears to be glitched and is not moving.

Jesse: Whoa. The moon is... stuck.

Jack: Okay, that's freaky.

Jesse: So, Stella. You were saying?

Stella: I was saying that maybe I'll... stick around for a bit. Just to keep an eye on you.

  • (Said "You're an adventurer!")
  • (Said "Your 'thing' is friendship.")
  • (Said "Only you can answer that."/Said Nothing)

Petra: Y'know, I've been thinking about it and I totally agree that "adventure" is probably the closest I've got to a "thing," but did this adventure really have to include Stella?

Petra: Ugh. I know you said my "thing" was helping my friends... but I want the record to show that she is not my friend. Just FYI.

Petra: Y'know, I'm all for trying to find my own path... but does it really have to have Stella on it?

Palace Entrance[]

The group make their way further into the forest. Lluna bleats and echoes, startling Radar.

Jack: Uh... you okay, Radar?

Radar: Yes! Yes. Totally fine.

Jesse: Guys, shh. We need to keep an eye- whoa...

The group look up towards the giant icy palace.

Jack: I'm... actually kind of speechless right now.

Petra: Man. And it's all ice?

Vos: Astounding, I know.

  • Everything okay, Jack?
  • You? Speechless?!
  • Right there with you.
  • ...

Jesse: You holding up okay? Not gonna have another... episode?

Jack: No... no, no I'm not. I'm taking my feat, my anger, my rage, my fear and, um... converting them into pure awesomeness.

Jesse: Uh... good. Good.

Jesse: Jack, speechless? Lukas, you better write that down.

Lukas: Already jotted it down under "rare occurrences and phenomena."

Jack: Hey, come on. Rude.

Jesse: I'm right there with you, Jack. That is... incredible.

Lukas: It's like I was telling ya, Radar. Never a dull moment.

Stella: It looks like the sort of buildings I’ve always dreamt of building...

Lukas: (Pointing) Hey, found the clock!

The group look up towards the giant clock, which is placed at the very top of the tower.

Petra: Oh, perfect. But... how are we gonna get up there?

Jesse: Well, the Admin mentioned "challenges." I'm guessing there's gonna be, like, obstacles or something when we get there.

Stella: Wait, do I have this right? Are you telling me that this "Admin" is so powerful, he built all of this instantly?

Radar: You sound almost jealous.

Stella: “Almost?” Of course I’m jealous of power like that. Power is how the world is run, little man. It's what people respect. What they listen to.

  • Power makes people crazy.
  • I'm jealous, too.
  • Not in my world.
  • ...

Jesse: Stella, I know you haven't met him yet, but I promise you... the Admin is nuts.

Jack: Yeah, you really don't want any part of that. Trust me.

Stella: Huh. Lesser minds often DO mistake true genius for madness.

Jack: On second thought, maybe I can't wait for you to meet him.

Jesse: Yeah, I'm actually jealous too. Can you imagine being able to build something like that... just like that?

Stella: Aw, look at us! Maybe we’re not so different after all.

Jesse: That’s not how my world works, Stella. There are more important things than who has the most power.

Stella: Huh. I wonder who (Points at tower) he would agree with.

Radar: Well... not all of the world is like that.

Radar: Oh, Stella, you'll never change...

Stella: Oh, I thought I recognized you! You’re the quitter who used to work on my inventory management team!

Jesse: Wait, wait. Do you two know each other?

Radar: Uh... yea. I, uh... I used to live in Champion City.

Jesse: What?

Stella: I don’t know what he told you to get on this little “team,” but I don’t think he even knows how to use a sword.

Radar: Oh, you don’t know anything, Stella, so... zip it.

Stella: Ooh, how do you put up with that little voice of his, Jesse? I know I never could.

  • Not everyone is a warrior.
  • Hey, he's brave.
  • YOU should talk.
  • Leave him alone.
  • ...

Jesse: Not everyone needs to know how to swing a sword, Stella. Radar has a lot of his own skills.

Radar: Yeah! Thanks, Jesse.

Stella: Can’t wait to see ‘em. I’ll call you if the Admin needs to file anything. (To Lluna) Come along, Lluna.

Lluna kicks Stella off her back and onto the ice.

Radar: Thanks, Jesse. I appreciate that.

Jesse: Hey, Radar is really brave, all right?

Stella: (Sarcastically) Oh, yeah, really super brave, I'm sure.

Radar: Who even invited you anyway?

Stella: I’m just telling you, Jesse. I’d be careful about counting on him for anything. Come along, Lluna.

Lluna kicks Stella off her back and onto the ice.

Radar: Thanks, Jesse. I appreciate that.

(If Jesse chose to sneak into Stella's Treasure Room)

Jesse: If I remember correctly, Stella, I saw a certain someone pretending to be another certain someone... and she wasn’t so good with a sword either.

Radar: Oh, really?

Stella: You act so high and mighty but you really are just a bully sometimes, you know that? Come on, Lluna.

Lluna kicks Stella off her back and onto the ice.

Radar: Thanks, Jesse. I appreciate that.

(If Jesse chose to fight into Stella's Treasure Room)

Jesse: I’d leave him alone if I were you, Stella. Unless you want to try me again, that is?

Petra: If I remember right, that didn’t work out so well last time.

Stella: You act so high and mighty, but you really are just a bully sometimes, you know that? Come on, Lluna.

Lluna kicks Stella off her back and onto the ice.

Radar: Thanks, Jesse. I appreciate that.

Stella: I’m just telling you, Jesse. I’d be careful about counting on him for anything. Come along, Lluna.

Lluna kicks Stella off her back and onto the ice.

Radar: I... I know that you might not absolutely, totally, 100% believe in me, but I promise. You’ll see...

Radar: I’m not the person she thinks I am anymore. I’ve changed, and I can prove it. I can be different. Braver. If that’s what the situation requires... I’ll do it.

  • You don't need to prove it.
  • Just don't get killed.
  • That's the spirit.
  • ...

Jesse: As far as I'm concerned, Radar, you don't need to change. You can just be... you.

Radar: See? And that's what makes you one million times the leader she'll ever be.

Jesse: Just try not to get killed, okay, Radar? I want everyone to get home alive.

Radar: I, uh... yea. I'll make sure it's at the top of my to-do list.

Jesse: Yeah. You've definitely changed, Radar. It's always important to try and grow.

Radar: Yeah. And I promise, I'll make you proud.

Radar: I promise. I'll do whatever it takes to save Beacontown.

Lukas: (Whistles) Would you look at that.

The group look up towards the tower and moon.

Jesse: Haven’t seen anything that grand since the last time I visited the Overcompensating Builders of E’gesh.

Vos: No kidding.

Petra: Oh boy, my favourite. Mystery levers.

Jesse pulls the lever and a platform emerges from the ground, setting off multiple fireworks into the sky.

Jesse: Okay, what's going on?

The Admin appears on the surface of the platform.

Golem: Aha! Hello, everyone! Haha! Please, please gather around. Don't be shy.

Jesse: Here we go again...

Golem: Ohh, look how... many of you there are. Lovely. (To Jesse) Your choice of company... eh, I dunno. I mean, this place is really for the best of the best. Not... how do I say this... losers?

Stella: Mr. Admin, mighty sir. I'm Stella. Founder of Champion City. Maybe you've heard of me?

Golem: No. Never. (To Jesse) It’s actually perfect, Champion. I can see you all have dreams of greatness. It’s... very cute. This construct before you? It's meant to see who's worthy of that greatness. Separate the strong... from the weak. So, we'll see how your little companions do, 'ey?

Jack: You watch it, Admin.

  • This is exciting!
  • You don't get to decide.
  • My friends aren't weak.
  • ...

Jesse: I am totally stoked!

Radar: Are we really sure what we're getting ourselves into?

Jesse: And who exactly made you the judge?

Goiem: Uh, my near infinite power? I thought that was obvious.

Stella: Like I said, Radar. Power runs the world.

Jesse: Well don’t even worry about it, because my friends here aren’t weak.

Golem: Mmhm. Cool. If you say so.

Petra: Admin, I gotta ask. Sorry if it’s rude... but what gives you the right to do any of this?

Goiem: Uh, my near infinite power? I thought that was obvious.

Stella: Like I said, Radar. Power runs the world.

Golem: Come now, don’t be that way. This? This is all for you! New creatures of my own design as well as mining fatigue at every turn! Wouldn’t want you cheating, of course. I don’t like rule-breakers. It’s simple. You all want to get to that clock, but only the best of the best get to partner up with me in the future. That could be you! Cooked this place up just for you. I mean it’s pretty... well I was going to say “pretty cool” but with the whole ice motif that just seems like I was going for a lame pun, so... anyway. Spectacular though, innit?

  • Lives are at stake!
  • I want to save my town.
  • This place IS pretty rad...
  • ...

Jesse: People’s lives are at stake here.

Golem: Can't say I care for your attitude, but that's fine. You'll figure it out soon enough...

Jesse: I’m here to save my town.

Golem: Well, of course you are! Because you're a hero! Haha, it's awesome! Oh ho ho, I am just ecstatic that you see things my way. Thrilled! So... how 'bout we get this show on the road?

Jesse: I’ll give you one thing, Admin. This place is pretty spectacular.

Golem: That’s what I like to hear! I knew you’d understand. Oh ho ho, I am just ecstatic that you see things my way. Thrilled! So... how 'bout we get this show on the road?

Golem: No? Nothing? You’re the hero stepping up to the precipice of your next great challenge and you’ve got nothing to say? Can't say I care for your attitude, but that's fine. You'll figure it out soon enough...

The Admin claps his hands and opens a hole in the ground, which the group falls into.

Icy Cavern[]

The group fall onto a platform in an icy cavern. Jack traverses his way down the walls, then lands with a ground pound.

Jesse: Nice landing.

Jack: Ah, it's nothing. Just my perfect reflexes and photographic muscle memory.

Jesse looks up as the ground closes up again, locking the group underground.

Radar: Well that's it, then. The way is shut.

Vos: Yes, now I suppose the only way out... is through.

Petra: Yeah. And smashing that clock!

Stella: Well, we're not all going to be smashing the clock.

Jesse: Say what, now?

Stella: You heard the Admin. He only wants the best of the best... and that's going to be me.

Lukas: Oh, you've gotta be kidding.

Stella: Sorry, handsome. Might aswell quit now.

  • Not so fast, Stella!
  • You'd leave Champion City?
  • We should work together.
  • ...

Jesse: Nuh-uh. No way, Stella. I'm taking you down.

Stella: Oh, I knew you were my rival, Jesse.

Jesse: Wait, but what about your people? Champion City? You're totally selling them out!

Stella: Boy, do you think small. If I'm working with the Admin, I'll be able to help Champion City even more... I hope.

Jesse: Stella, come on. The Admin is dangerous enough as it is. Let's not add to that by fighting with each other.

Stella: Oh, Jesse. That sort of reverse psychology isn't going to work on me. Especially not from my own rival.

Jesse: I- seriously?

Stella: Speechless, huh? I get it. You're intimidated. Understandable.

The group make their way through the icy cavern and come across two tunnels. Each tunnel has it's own minecart track, with several minecarts lined up.

Stella: Wow. It's... it's amazing.

Jack: Hmph. You're his little buddy, Jesse. You know anything about this "partnership" he's offering?

Vos: Imagine everything you could create - everything you could do - with a prize like that.

Lukas: How can we even be certain he's telling the truth?

  • I don't trust him.
  • I'm not his buddy.
  • Sounds amazing.
  • ...

Jesse: All I know is that I don't trust anything the Admin says.

Radar: Uh, I'd agree with that.

Jesse: Okay, hang on a sec. I am not the Admin's "little buddy."

Jack: Pfft! I'm just sayin'... you two were looking pretty chummy up there.

Jesse: I know that it sounds amazing, and that I want it.

Stella: Oh really?

Jack: Eh. Just saw how chummy you two were...

Stella: Come on, Lluna. Enough of these losers! We've got treasure to find.

Lluna slowly goes in to bite Jesse's gauntlet, before it's moved away.

Jesse: Hey!

Stella: Treasure-sniffing llama. Mm-hmm, yeah. Tell your friends.

Stella smacks Lluna, who quickly starts sniffing around for treasure.

Jack: Hey now...

Radar: Oh, that poor llama!

Stella: What?

  • Don't treat her like that!
  • That's cheating!
  • You're the worst!
  • ...

Jesse: Hey, don't treat Lluna like that. She obviously hates it!

Stella: I think I know my darling Lluna a little better than you do.

Jesse: Hey, that's cheating! Pretty sure the Admin would frown on us using an advantage like Lluna.

Stella: Hmph. The Admin said it's about seeing how far we can go. So, I'm going.

Jesse: Whatever, Stella. You're not getting to that clock before us. Know why? Because you're the worst.

Stella: Whatever, Jesse. Stars always have to put up with the little people at the bottom.

Jesse says nothing.

Stella: (Walks away) Let's go, Lluna.

Lluna bleats and looks towards Jesse, upsettedly, before going to Stella.

Vos: Well, that is certainly a woman who knows what she wants.

Lukas: Are you kidding? She's nuts.

Vos: Ah! Uh, well, no one knows better than me that the Admin's traps and constructions mean business!

Jack: You've got a point there, old friend... I don't want to see anyone else get hurt.

Vos: Yes. And it's like the Admin said. Not everyone here might be... up for the task. I mean no offense by it. Just, uh... stating facts.

  • Let's prove the Admin wrong.
  • We're in this together.
  • They're totally up for it.
  • ...

Jesse: Then I guess we're just gonna prove how wrong the Admin is.

Jesse: We're all in this together, all right? No one's getting left behind here.

Jesse: Radar and Lukas can handle themselves.

Radar: (Unsure) Yeah? Yeah. Yeah!

Lukas: Jesse, Petra, you can't agree with what they're saying.

Petra: I... I don't know.

Vos: (Sigh) Fine... but if something happens to them, that's on you. Not me. (To Jack) Come with me, Jack. Let's try and scope this place out.

Jack and Vos walk away.

Petra: I’m... I’m gonna go talk to them.

Petra follows.

Radar: Well, I have never been so offended. Not in my whole life!

Lukas: Yeah, that... wasn't the coolest.

Radar: "Wasn't the coolest?" Oh, no. Misfiling your acacia wood during material organization week "isn't the coolest." That was... that was a stripe too far!

Radar: Just because I'm not some sword-swinging meat-head, they think they can just walk all over me. Th-th-they think... they look at me, and my, well, my skinny little arms, and they think they know me? They think they know ME? Well, they are wrong. Dead wrong! I mean, I have been an embarrassment sometimes... but it stops here. It ends today!

(The above dialogue can be interrupted at any moment, depending on which of the below choices are picked. If the Radar! option is picked then the dialogue will instantly stop, unlike almost all other dialogue choices where Jesse will allow another character to finish their current sentence before speaking.)

  • Radar.
  • Radar?
  • Radar!
  • [Let Him Finish]

Jesse: Radar?

(Radar will keep talking, unless the Radar! option is picked or Jesse waits for him to finish what he's saying.)

Radar: And, I- I guess I'm done. Sorry!

Jesse: Excuse me. Radar?

(Radar will keep talking, unless the Radar! option is picked or Jesse waits for him to finish what he's saying.)

Radar: And, I- I guess I'm done. Sorry!

Jesse: RADAR!

Radar: Ah! Sorry. Had to get that off my chest.

Radar: And, I- I guess I'm done. Sorry!

Jesse: I need you to remember that out there, the world is stuck in eternal night. And there are a lot of scared people back in Beacontown who are counting on us!

Radar: You're right...

Petra: (Approaching Jesse) We were talking and decided that it would be best - for everyone - if Radar stays here, with Lukas... while we go get the clock.

Jesse looks over at Jack, who shrugs. Lluna bleats from a tunnel.

Stella: That's it, Lluna darling! She's got the clock's scent! Haha!

Stella and Lluna hop into a minecart.

Stella: Later, losers!

They leave through the tunnel.

Jack: (Entering minecart) We're wasting time!

Radar: Wait!

  • (Said "I don't trust him.")
  • (Said Anything Else)

Radar: It’s like Jesse said, we can’t trust the Admin.

Radar: The Admin built this whole place to eliminate people, right? Trick them?

Radar: Sure, it looks like Lluna found something. But that's...

Lukas: Just what the Admin wants us to think!

Vos: You saw the Llama!

Petra: Jesse? You're coming, right?

Lukas: We could really use a hand over here.

  • [Join Lukas]
  • [Join Petra]

Jesse: I gotta go with them. Be safe, okay?

Petra: (Sigh) If you're sure...

Jesse hops into a minecart with Lukas and Radar.

Radar: Woo-hoo! I knew you'd make the smart choice!

The group make their way across the tracks and into a large minecart network, with various different tunnels.

Jesse: This place is huge!

Jesse looks down to see Stella and Lluna in minecarts. Stella waves. The group approach an arc in the tracks.

Lukas: Oh, boy!

Radar: Whoa!

The carts rapidly travel downwards.

Jesse: (Hands up) Ahh!!!

Lukas: Whooo!

Jesse: Ohh...!

Radar: I question my judgement!

Lukas: Watch out.

Jesse ducks under a chunk of ice, then looks to the left to see Petra, Vos and Jack in minecarts. They smile and wave to Jesse, before being separated and sent through a tunnel shaped as a spider's head. Jesse, Lukas and Radar make their way through a tunnel shaped as a skull.

Lukas: Well, that’s one way to get where you’re going!

Jesse: I'm going with them. Be safe, okay?

Lukas: Okay.

Jesse hops into a minecart with Petra, Jack and Vos.

Petra: Nice! Let's ride!

The group make their way across the tracks and into a large minecart network, with various different tunnels.

Jesse: Whoa!

Petra: Look at this place!

Jesse looks down to see Stella and Lluna in minecarts. Stella waves. The carts approach an arc in the tracks, then rapidly travel downwards.

Jesse: (Hands up) Ahh!

Jack: Whoo! Ho-ho! Whoa, okay, I'm gonna be sick.

Petra: Yeeaaah!

Vos: Whoa... stupendous! Hahaha!

Jack: Look out! I mean, uh... it was a close one!

Jesse ducks under a chunk of ice.

Jack: Whoa-ho! Huh-ho! Wow. Okay, that was too close.

Jesse looks to the left to see Lukas and Radar in minecarts. They look back at Jesse, before being separated and sent through a tunnel shaped as a skull. Jesse, Petra, Jack and Vos make their way through a tunnel shaped as a spider's head.

Petra: All right!

Jack: Oh, yeah!

Challenge Room[]

  • (Went With Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

The group arrive inside the tunnel and the tracks come to a stop.

Jesse: Everybody okay?

Lukas: Definitely! What a rush.

Jesse and Lukas exit the minecarts. Radar slowly exits his minecart.

Radar: I'm- I'm all right. I'm okay. (Nauseates) Ugh, I am so sorry. I'm okay, really. Just getting my adventure legs. I'll be better in a min- (Nauseates again)

  • Pull it together, Radar.
  • Take your time, man.
  • Minecarts are the worst.
  • ...

Jesse: Ah, Radar. Pull it together.

Radar: Feelin' okay.

Jesse: (Patting shoulder) Hey, it's okay. Take the time you need.

Lukas: Yeah, we'll wait.

Radar: No, no, no, no, no. Oh, it’s not so bad. I can do this.

Jesse: No worries, minecarts are the worst. Yeah, just... feelin' real sick. Right, Lukas?

Lukas: Wha-? Oh, oh! Yeah, uh, definitely. Whoo! Minecarts.

Radar: Huh... hey, y-you guys didn't have to do that. But thanks.

Lukas: Hey, you okay there, buddy?

Radar: I think so...

Lukas: Well, maybe just walk it off.

Radar exits the minecart and the Admin appears by the group.

Golem: I gotta say, if you're having a hard time with the minecarts, you might not like what comes next. Hello, there! It’s me again! Your friendly neighborhood Admin. (Chuckles)

The group follows the Admin into the challenge room.

Golem: Pretty proud of this challenge, not gonna lie. I was feeling very inspired by the concept of "karma." I'd tell you why, but... well, that'd spoil the surprise. I'm sure you understand, right? Real heroes live for surprises. Unexpected dangers.

  • I don't need any help.
  • This is ridiculous.
  • C'mon, tell me.
  • ...

Jesse: I don't need your hints. This game will be over before it even gets started.

Golem: See, now that's the kind of behaviour I like to see in a Champion. Confident, cool under pressure. Oh, you'll go far.

Jesse: This is all- augh! My town's in danger and you're playing games!

Golem: It's all games, Champion. Winning, losing... that's what life is all about. Once you figure that out, you'll be much happier.

Jesse: Oh, that's all right. Tell me! I'm cool with spoilers.

Golem: I just told you I'm not going to spoil the surprise. Just play along here.

Golem: Stoic hero in the face of danger, hm? Excellent.

Golem: Let’s just say, I hope you’re feeling good about your archery skills, hmm? Between you and me though, Champion? (Stage whisper) I'm less worried about your archery than I am about your choice of companions. Let’s see if I can’t shuffle the board a bit, hmm? Give you another pair of hands to help out?

The Admin claps his hands and teleports Vos into the air, who then falls down onto the floor.

Vos: Where... how?

Golem: He's no Jesse, but he's better than that other guy, right? (Chuckles) Oh, dear. All you need to do is activate the shooting gallery, hit all the targets, and the door will open. Ha ha! Easy, right?

Jesse stares at a door at the other end of the room, with 2 pumpkin heads inside it and one empty slot.

Jesse: Okay, but what are those pumpkin heads for-

The Admin disappears.

Lukas: Don't worry, Jesse. We'll figure it out.

Lukas and Radar look towards Vos and walk away.

  • (Optional Interactions)
  • ...
  • Talk to Lukas and Radar
  • Talk to Vos
  • Look at Shooting Gallery
  • Look at Crafting Table
  • Look at Button
  • Look at Hopper
  • Look at Dead Bush
  • Look at Door

Lukas: (To Radar) Now, I think you need to give him a little more credit.

Jesse: (Approaching) Hey. Whatcha talking about?

Radar looks over at Vos.

Lukas: We were talking about how sometimes you need to just ignore people that are being difficult. Now, Jesse... Jesse knows all about that.

Radar: Yeah?

Lukas: Oh, yeah. Jesse's had to go on adventures with all sorts of people.

  • You gotta make 'em listen.
  • I get along with everyone!
  • Yeah, just ignore them.
  • ...

Jesse: When someone’s being stubborn or not listening to you, you just need to look them dead in the eye and make them listen.

Radar: I could try that, but... I’m not very commanding.

Lukas: Well... nevermind. Thanks, Jesse.

Jesse: No idea what you're talking about, Lukas. I get along with everyone!

Jesse: Yeah, Lukas has got it right. You can’t get rid of difficult people, so sometimes, you just need to live with ‘em.

Radar: Yeah. I guess I can try.

Lukas: Thanks, Jesse.

Lukas: I mean, I had to learn a lot about this stuff back when I had a "gang" called the Ocelots. There was a guy named Aiden who... well, let's just say he taught me a lot about how to laugh things off.

Radar: Huh! That’s really interesting.

Lukas: Well, I suppose we should get back to figuring this room out, huh?

Jesse: We'll get it.

Radar: Yeah!

Jesse: Vos? Are you okay?

Vos: Oh! Jesse! It was the most startling thing. One minute, there, the next minute... poof!

Jesse: Well... Welcome to the party, I guess?

Vos: I- I know that I haven't been at my best in the time we've known each other, but I promise... I do know what I'm doing.

  • Then show me.
  • I believe you.
  • I'm not so sure.
  • ...

Jesse: Well... I look forward to seeing these skills of yours when they kick in.

Vos: Like I said, you’ll see. Oh, yes you will! Now, come on! Let’s solve whatever devious challenge the Admin has set before us.

Jesse: Don’t worry, Vos. I believe you. Everyone’s allowed to get a little rusty.

Vos: Hmm. I- I really appreciate that. Thank you. Now, come on! Let’s solve whatever devious challenge the Admin has set before us.

Jesse: Are, uh... are you sure about that, Vos? Because so far...

Vos: I can’t believe you’re giving me such a hard time just because I’ve gotten a little rusty. Well, let’s see if I can’t change your mind helping you figure out this room, eh?

Vos: Perhaps I’m rustier than I thought. Huh. Well, let’s see if I can’t change your mind helping you figure out this room, eh?

  • (Bow, No Arrows)
  • (Arrows, No Bow)
  • (Bow and Arrows)

Jesse: Can't do much without any arrows.

Jesse: Arrows? Check. Bow? Not yet.

Jesse: Got everything I need. Just need to get this thing moving...

Jesse: I bet this'll come in handy.

Jesse: A button? Maybe it turns this whole thing on.

  • Look at Button Again
  • ...

Jesse: That might be the "On" switch... can't get to it from here, though.

Jesse: Huh. Wonder what’s in this hopper.

Jesse: Could probably get some sticks from that.

Jesse: This could be our way out of here.

Jesse breaks some cobwebs.

Jesse: Always good to have string around!

Jesse approaches the dead bush.

Jesse: Time to meet your maker!

Jesse breaks the dead bush and grabs some sticks from it. Jesse presses a button next to the hopper, dispensing some arrows.

Jesse: Arrows! Perfect for shooting targets with. Now, I just need a bow.

Jesse goes to the crafting table.

  • Craft Bow
  • Craft Fishing Rod

Jesse crafts a bow.

Jesse crafts a fishing rod.

Jesse: Nice.

Radar: Swwweeeeeeeeet. Let’s tear up some targets, huh?

Lukas: (Chuckles) He really reminds me of us. You know, back in the day. Always ready for whatever’s around the next corner.

  • You're a good friend to him.
  • He's got a lot to learn.
  • I admire his bravado.
  • ...

Jesse: He's lucky to have you, giving him a helping hand and all.

Lukas: Yeah... he'll learn from the best.

Jesse: I still worry about him. He’s got a lot to learn.

Lukas: So did we. Man, sometimes I still can't believe how far we've come.

Jesse: You do have to admire the guy's bravado.

Lukas: Yeah, he's way braver than I was our first time out. I'll give him that.

Lukas: He's way braver than I was our first time out, though. I'll give him that.

Radar: Come on... how do you turn this stupid thing on?

Jesse: Looks like he needs our help.

Lukas walks back to Radar.

Jesse: All right, button. You're mine.

Jesse shoots the button and the shooting gallery activates.

Radar: This is so cool!

Jesse: All right, Lukas. Let’s show the Admin who he’s messing with.

Lukas pulls out his bow and approaches the second shooting gallery. Jesse watches a sign appears, saying "Shoot!" Targets for mobs and monsters are pushed upwards, then back down. A sign then appears saying "Don't Shoot!" Targets for villagers, humans and animals are pushed upwards, then back down.

  • (Optional Interaction) Miss Hostile Mob Target
  • ...

The light turns red and a dispenser shoots an arrow into Jesse's shoulder.

Jesse: Ow! That seems unnecessary.

Jesse dislodges the arrow from their shoulder.

  • Miss Hostile Mob Target Again
  • ...

The light turns red again and Jesse is shot with another arrow..

Jesse: Not this time!

Jesse dodges the dispenser but another one appears and shoots them again.

Jesse: Ow! Dang it. It knows!

Jesse dislodges the arrow from their shoulder.

  • Miss Hostile Mob Target Again
  • ...

The light turns red and the dispenser shoots Jesse again.

Jesse: Ow!

Jesse dislodges the arrow from their shoulder.

  • (Optional Interaction) Hit Civilian Target
  • ...

The light turns red and a piston smacks Jesse across the floor.

Jesse: Hey! That’s... really annoying.

  • Hit Civilian Target Again
  • ...

The light turns red again and another piston emerges.

Jesse: Not this time!

Jesse dodges the piston but another one appears, smacking them across the floor.

Jesse: Ow! Dang it. How does it know?

  • Hit Civilian Target Again
  • ...

The light turns red and Jesse is smacked across the floor.

Jesse: Ow!

Jesse gets through the first round by shooting the monster targets and avoiding the other targets. The lights of the shooting gallery turn green.

Radar: Nice shooting, Jesse!

Jesse: Thanks, Radar. Huh! This is going to be easy.

Jesse gets through the second stage of the shooting gallery and the lights turn green again.

Jesse: Well, that was a little tougher.

Radar: Man, Jesse, you're good! I'm definitely gonna steal some of those moves.

Jesse: Here comes round three.

Jesse gets through the third and final stage of the shooting gallery and all of the lights turn back on.

Radar: Jesse, you did it!

Lukas gets through the second shooting gallery and both pumpkin heads in the door light up.

Jesse: Nice!

The Admin appears next to the group.

Golem: Not bad. Not. Bad. You're a fine shot! Almost feels like I made this challenge too easy for you... oh, wait. No, I'm totally messing with you. Time for LEVEL TWO!

The Admin laughs as he disappears. The room's floor begins to break apart. Jesse looks down to see water at the bottom. Vos looks back and cries in fear, then jumps onto another platform, pulling himself up.

Jesse: Vos! Hang on!

Vos pulls himself up, then points towards the shooting gallery.

Jesse: What are you- oh, man.

Jesse looks back to see a large snow golem with a pumpkin for a head, approaching the group. It reaches out to throw a snowball at Jesse.

Lukas: Look out!

Jesse dodges the snowball, which hits Vos and sends him falling into the water and through a tube.

Jesse: Vos!

Vos: Jesse! Take care of yourself!!!

Jesse looks back as more snow golems appear.

Jesse: This way, guys! Follow me!

Jesse jumps onto the other platform. Radar and Lukas follow, dodging the flying snowballs. The golems start jumping across the platforms.

Jesse: Okay, guys. This is it.

Jesse jumps across to the final platform, then Lukas follows.

Jesse: Radar! Come on!

Radar: But, Vos didn't- I... Jesse, I don't wanna fall!

Jesse: Sometimes, you just gotta fake it, Radar. Hero time!

Radar: Y- yeah, okay.

Radar jumps away from the golems and over to the platform, but can only reach the ledge.

Radar: (Holding on) This is it, isn't it!?

Jesse pulls Radar up onto the platform.

Lukas: Hahaha! We did it!

Jesse: Let's get out of here.

Jesse, Lukas and Radar run towards the door. A giant snow golem appears, stopping the group. The golems throw more snowballs at the group from behind.

Radar: Oh, come on!!!

Lukas pulls out his bow and runs back to fight the golems.

Jesse: (Pulls out bow) Radar, take this. Help Lukas hold off those golems!

Radar nods and runs to help Lukas.

Jesse: The big guy's mine.

Jesse approaches the giant snow golem, as it throws multiple snowballs at once. Jesse dodges the snowballs and destroys the golem's legs, then jumps onto its shoulder. The golem grabs onto Jesse's legs, before they can grab the pumpkin's head.

Jesse: Argh, no! No, no no! Lukas! Help!

Radar: (From distance) Hey, ugly! Taste my bravery!

Jesse stares surprisedly as Radar shoots the golem, destroying both its arms.

Jesse: Radar! You did it!

Radar: Haha! Take that, you big dumb chunk of ice!

Jesse: All right! Time to get ourselves a pumpkin and open that door.

  • (Without taking damage)
  • ...

Radar: Jesse! Finish Him!

Jesse pulls the pumpkin from the golem’s head.

Radar: Block-ality!

Jesse: Flawless Victory.

Jesse pulls the pumpkin from the golem's head.

Jesse: Come on, before he thinks up a stage three!

Jesse places the pumpkin into the third slot, opening the door. Jesse, Lukas and Radar run through the icy corridor and into the second room.

The group arrive inside the tunnel and the tracks come to a stop. They exit the minecarts.

Vos: Oh! Heh... where did that strange woman and her llama go?

Jack: No idea. I wanted to see if it really had the treasure-sniffing powers she said it did...

Jesse: I guess we got separated during that crazy roller coaster ride. This place is nuts!

Petra: Yeah, no kidding! I'm not complaining about less time with Stella, but I hope that we can find Radar and Lukas again after we get the clock. Anything can happen to them! They're not exactly... the most warrior-ish, if you know what I mean.

  • They'll be fine!
  • We have to hurry.
  • I hope they make it.
  • ...

Jesse: Oh, don’t worry. Those two will be fine!

Petra: If you're sure...

Jesse: That’s why we need to hurry. We’ve gotta get the Clock and then find them, before anything bad happens.

Jack: I like this plan. I vote we do it.

Jesse: Yeah... hopefully they come out to the other side all right.

Petra: Yeah, I hope so too.

Jack: Wipe off that worried expression, chum. We’ll all meet on the other side... one way or another.

Petra: Well, I'm just psyched to have you with us, Jesse. Just like old times, right?

Jack: Well, I'm guessing none of your old times had you up against a villain as powerful as the Admin, though. That guy is just crazy powerful. And just plain crazy.

Vos: Ha, no kidding. He puts any of OUR old foes to shame.

Petra: Okay, I guess that's true.

  • I've seen worse.
  • We'll find his weakness.
  • That's why we're careful.
  • ...

Jesse: And you know what? It still feels good to be back in the proverbial saddle.

Petra: Heck yeah to that.

Jack: Yeah.

Jesse: Everything has a weakness, Jack, even the Admin. We’ll find his.

Jack: Eh... you could be right. Still not a reason to start getting sloppy now.

Jesse: That's why we're going to be very careful. Don't worry, Jack.

Jack: Yeah... that's what Sammy thought, too.

Petra: But... that’s why we’ve got the best bunch of heroes in Beacontown here together, right?

Jack: Heh. I guess you have a point.

The group make their way into the first half of a puzzle room, with 2 cages on both sides and one cage at the end, blocking the second half of the room.

Jack: Hooo... feels like the Sea Temple all over again.

Petra: Yeah, I was feeling that too. Don't like it.

Jack: I don't like anything this guy builds. Everything's decorated with dread... and garnished with doom.

  • We're champions!
  • We escaped the Sea Temple.
  • Don't tell me you're scared!
  • ...

Jesse: Hey, guys. Remember the Colossus? We beat that. We can do this, too.

Jack: Yeah. Good point there, Jesse.

Jesse: We got out of the Sea Temple in one piece.

  • (Saved Petra's Sword)
  • (Saved Jack's Eye)

Jack: Well... some of us left a piece or two behind.

Vos: Even with one eye you’re a great warrior, Jack.

Petra: Yeah, I guess I could've lost worse than my sword...

Vos: Petra, does a sword really make the hero? It'll be all right.

Jesse: You can’t let the Admin scare you, guys. Come on.

Jack: Scare- I'm not scared, I'm, uh... heh, no way. Just... psyching myself up to stay frosty.

Vos: Come now, you’re all legendary heroes in your own rights! Buck up.

Vos: We'll be fine, Jack. I hope.

The Admin appears beside the group.

Golem: Oh, it is great to see you in here. You're my favourite group. True story. And I just know you're going to demolish this room. It's simple. Hehe! All you need to do... is find your way out.

Jesse: So we have to... escape the room?

Golem: I guess you could put it that way. You won't get any hints from me, though. I'm sure you understand, right? Real heroes live for surprises. Unexpected dangers.

  • I don't need any help.
  • This is ridiculous.
  • C'mon, tell me.
  • ...

Jesse: I don't need your hints. This game will be over before it even gets started.

Golem: See, now that's the kind of behaviour I like to see in a Champion. Confident, cool under pressure. Oh, you'll go far.

Jesse: This is all- augh! My town's in danger and you're playing games!

Golem: It's all games, Champion. Winning, losing... that's what life is all about. Once you figure that out, you'll be much happier.

Jesse: Oh, that's all right. Tell me! I'm cool with spoilers.

Golem: I just told you I'm not going to spoil the surprise. Just play along here.

Golem: Stoic hero in the face of danger, hm? Excellent.

Golem: All right, it’s time to get this proverbial party started. I am very excited to see how you do.

The Admin levitates Petra and Vos into the air.

Jesse: Petra!

Jack: Vos!

Jack stares in shock as they both disappear, shaking his head.

Golem: Don't worry, they're right there.

Petra and Vos are teleported into each of the cages.

Golem: Now... will you be able to get them back out is the question.

Vos: Augh! You just can't stop putting me in cages, can you?

Golem: (Chuckles) Oh, you are a riot! Really! Oh, farewell now and, uh... good luck! Ahahaha!

The Admin disappears.

Jesse: Okay... escape time.

  • (Optional Interactions)
  • ...
  • Talk to Petra
  • Talk to Jack
  • Look at Door
  • Look at Statue
  • Look at Spider-Mural

Jesse walks up to Petra's cage.

Jesse: What’cha got back there?

Petra: I think it's supposed to be a... cobweb? But half the blocks are missing.

Jesse: Any ideas, Jack?

Jack: Uh... of course I do. Plenty. (Nods unconvincingly)

Jesse looks at the iron door at the end of the second half of the room. The puzzle 5 item frames, each with one diamond inside them.

Jesse: Definitely the way out. But what is that? Diamonds?

Jack: So this was the treasure that llama was after!

Jesse: (To self) One puzzle at a time, Jesse.

  • (Left the Blocks)
  • (Took the Blocks)

Jesse: Half-creeper, half-spider. Charming.

Jesse: Hm. Doesn’t look quite right yet. Definitely more work to do on that.

Jesse: Hm. Inviting.

Jesse approaches Vos, who appears to be struggling with some levers.

Jesse: You okay?

Vos: Well, every time I approach the ice I get cursed... some kind of mining fatigue, I think.

Vos tries punching through the ice, but fails.

Vos: I suppose this contraption holds some kind of clue. Any thoughts on how to get through the ice?

Jesse: Easy. I have a torch.

Jesse gives the torch to Vos.

Vos: Oh. That's... so simple. Why didn't I think of that?

Vos melts the ice with the torch, revealing a chest.

Vos: And... it worked.

Vos grabs some Redstone blocks from the chests and gives them to Jesse.

Vos: Here you go, Jesse. These should help.

Jesse goes to the statue and removes the clay blocks, then gives them to Petra.

Jesse: This clay should fill up the spots in the floor.

Petra: All right. Hold on.

Petra fills the empty spots with the green clay and activates a dispenser, which drops grey and black clay blocks. Petra gives them to Jesse.

Petra: Think these are for you.

Jesse: Thanks.

Petra: Man, now I just wish Lukas was with us, too. Bummer that Radar was being so, ugh, with-

Jack: C'mon, y- you think we can move this along? Time's a-wasting. I mean, like, literally. That clock is still up there.

  • Let's improve that attitude.
  • We're getting close.
  • You could lend a hand.
  • ...

Jesse: Jack, I know it’s tense, but that attitude of yours isn’t helping. C’mon.

Jack: You're the one- you don't- I'm fine.

Jesse: Hey, we're gonna get out of this, okay?

Jack: I know. I just- this place isn't exactly, uh... my speed. By which I mean, it's... too slow.

Jesse: You could help out, you know. That would move things along.

Jack: Well, I'm doing plenty of helping out. Right here. I'm... I'm helping out right here.

Petra: Uh, right. Sorry, Jack. I got us distracted.

Jack: That's, uh... that's fine. Just... worried about the others, I guess.

Jack: I mean- I almost have this thing figured out. It’s all in the planning. I just, uh... gotta plan a little more.

  • (Optional Interactions)
  • ...
  • Talk to Jack
  • Talk to Petra
  • Talk to Vos

Jack: Yeah? What is it? I don’t got all day. Oh, wait, I do. Because we're locked in this room.

  • What's your problem?
  • You're not helping.
  • You seem tense.
  • ...

Jesse: Man, Jack, what is your problem right now?

Jack: Nothing. Nothing bugs me. Just... waiting for you to figure this out, that’s all.

Jesse: I’m trying to get us out! You could help.

Jack: Hey, I'm trying too. Working out a lot of stuff up here. That's where it starts.

Jesse: You seem a little... tightly wound right now, Jack.

Jack: Do I? Uh, sorry. The whole “being in a deathtrap” thing doesn’t exactly do wonders for a man’s nerves.

Jack: An old adage from the J’un-dow Warriors comes to mind - “Solve this death trap and get us outta here.”

Jesse: Hey.

Petra: I know the Admin is kinda nuts... but I can’t help but think all this is kinda cool.

Vos: That torch, very impressive bit of thinking. Almost annoyed I didn’t think of it myself...

Jesse uses the clay and redstone blocks to complete the spider statue.

Jesse: Looks as perfect as a creepy statue can get.

The cages in the room are unlocked and slowly open.

Petra: Way to go, Jesse! (Fist bump) I knew you'd figure it out.

Jack: Hah, yeah, you did, all right. 'Course, um... I had it figured out right from when we walked in the room, but, uh, good job. Uh, but it’s nice to see a newbie at work, though. You got chops, I’ll give you that.

  • I highly doubt that.
  • Stop lying.
  • Uh, thanks.
  • ...

Jesse: You know... I highly doubt that. Sorry, Jack.

Jack: Please. I, uh... the Puh'Zelle Builders of Winding Ridge had puzzles like this all over the place.

Vos: You know it’s funny, but I don’t seem to remember that particular adventure.

Jesse: We’ve never seen anything like this, Jack. There’s no way you could have known the answer.

Jack: Please. I, uh... the Puh'Zelle Builders of Winding Ridge had puzzles like this all over the place.

Vos: You know it’s funny, but I don’t seem to remember that particular adventure.

Jesse: Uh, yeah. Thanks.

Jack: You're very welcome. Of... course.

Jesse says nothing.

Suddenly, the floor begins to open. Everyone jumps onto the statue's platform.

Petra: Uh, guys?

They look up to see icy spiders, crawling across the ceiling and down the walls.

Jesse: Everyone, run!

Jesse runs to the second half of the room and tries to open the iron door, but to no avail.

Vos: Another puzzle!

Jesse looks at the puzzle next to the door, with 5 item frames. Each item frame contains a diamond. There is a chest and crafting table, as well as a banner above each item frame. 3 of the banners have a red circle pattern and 2 of the banners have a blue diamond pattern. Between the puzzle and door, there is a trail of redstone dust, with nothing attached to it.

Petra: (Pulls out sword) Jesse, we'll hold them off. Get that door open.

Jesse: On it.

Jesse looks at the Redstone while Petra, Jack and Vos fight off the spiders.

Jesse: Just need to make something to activate that Redstone circuit again... there's gotta be something in here we can use.

  • (Do Nothing For 15 Seconds)
  • ...

Jack: There are- there are a lot of them. More of them than us!

Petra: They're, like, working together!

  • (Do Nothing For 15 More Seconds)
  • ...

Petra: You need to get a move on, Jesse!

Jack: We can't keep this up much longer!

  • (Do Nothing For 15 More Seconds)
  • ...

Vos: (Strained) I'm just... tired. I'm sorry.

Petra: Jesse! Get. Us. Outta here!

  • (Optional Interactions)
  • ...
  • Look at Banners
  • Look at Empty Slot
  • Look at Crafting Table

Jesse: These banners are definitely a clue. Gotta figure out how to match them up below.

Jesse: Hm. That’s redstone.

Jesse: Hm. I’ve got nothing to craft with.

Jesse opens the chest and takes out 3 spider eyes.

Jesse: Ugh. Who would fill a chest with spider eyes?

Jesse replaces 3 of the diamonds from the item frames with spider eyes, to match the banners. Another chest is revealed.

Jesse: Yes! Guys, I got it. There's a chest.

Jack: A chest?!

Petra: Can it get us out of here?

Jesse searches through the chest.

Jesse: Glass... wood slabs... nether quartz?

Jack: (Fighting) Hiyah! Ah. That almost sounds like the recipe for a Daylight Sensor, but those only work if there’s sunlight...

Jesse approaches the crafting table.

Jesse: Let's see...

Jesse crafts a daylight sensor.

Jesse: So the door needs-

Jack: Aha! It WAS for a daylight sensor!

Jack puts his sword back and runs to Jesse, while Petra and Vos continue fighting off the spiders.

Jack: I totally know how to use one of those. Give it here.

Petra: Are you... sure?

Jack: Yeah, of course. Completely. I, uh... just need a sec to put the, uh, words together.

  • [Give Jack the Sensor]
  • [Place It Yourself]

Jesse: Get us out of here, Jack.

Jesse gives the sensor to Jack.

Jack: We’ll be through this room in a single wag of a sheep’s fluffy tail.

Jack places the sensor into the slot and then inverts it, unlocking the door.

Jack: What? I got it.

Jesse places the sensor into the slot.

Jack: That's exactly what I would have done.

Jesse runs to the door and tries to open it, but it's still locked.

Jesse: What? I thought- it should be working!

Jack: Problems, Jesse?

Petra: We don't have time for problems!

Jesse: Gimme a minute.

Jesse inverts the sensor, unlocking the door.

Jesse: Told ya so.

Petra: Nice!

Petra runs to Jesse. Vos tries to catch up, but is surrounded by spiders.

Jesse: Vos!

The spiders lift Vos and carry him away.

Vos: Augh! Let- let me doooown!

The spiders drop him into the water, where he's taken through a tube.

Jack: Vos! No!

Petra: We! Are! Leaving!

Jesse: Jack, come on!

Jesse brings Jack through the door and closes it, before the spiders can catch up. Jesse, Petra and Jack run through the icy corridor and into the second room.

Second Room[]

  • (Went With Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

Jesse, Lukas and Radar run up the stairs and stop to catch their breath.

Radar: That was- oh, wow. I mean, Vos...

Lukas: That wasn't your fault, Radar. Vos has to be somewhere in this place. We'll find him... "Taste my bravery?"

Radar: Well... I figured it was appropriate. That was intense! (Arms out) Would it be weird for me to go in for a hug? Cuz, uh, I’m kinda feelin’ the hug vibe right now... maybe?

  • [Decline]
  • [High Five]
  • [Hug Radar]
  • ...

Jesse: Yeah, that’d be... that’d be a little weird right now.

Radar: I- yes. You're right, of course. We need to stay focused.

Jesse: Let’s stick to a high five, all right? It’s cooler.

Jesse high fives Radar.

Radar: Yeah. Super cool!

Jesse chuckles and gives Radar a hug.

Radar: Oh, wow... you're a good hugger.

Radar: No... hero hugs. Got it. Because heroes are super stoic.

Jesse looks back to see Petra and Jack approaching the group from the stairs.

Jesse: Petra!

Jack: Hey, have you guys seen Vos? One second he was with us and the next... gone!

Vos' muffled voice is heard from the distance. The group look down to see Vos and Stella being transported through tubes.

Jesse and Petra run up the stairs and stop to catch their breath, before turning to Jack.

Petra: Oh man, Jack...

Jack: Vos... I let you down, buddy. Again. (Angrily) We could have helped him. You could have saved him! Now, he'll be trapped. Trapped in the cold, obsidian clutches of the Admin...

  • Vos wasn't ready for this.
  • It was impossible!
  • I did my best.
  • ...

Jesse: The Admin keeps talking about people who aren’t “real heroes” not being cut out for this place and, well... maybe Vos wasn’t.

Jack: Of course... of course he was!

Petra: Jesse, geez.

Jesse: Jack, you gotta believe me... it was impossible to save him.

Jack: Sure, maybe... argh! I just can't believe I lost him. Again!

Petra: Jack, calm down.

Jesse: Jack, I tried! He was just... too far.

Jack: Maybe you try a little harder next time.

Petra: Hey, c'mon. Both of you.

Jesse says nothing.

Lukas runs up the stairs, alone, and approaches the group.

Jesse: Lukas! Radar...? Lukas, where's Radar?

Lukas: The room... it was too much for us. I mean, there were arrows and snowballs flying everywhere... Jesse, I did the best I could, but...

Vos' muffled voice is heard from the distance. The group look down to see Vos, Radar and Stella being transported through tubes.

Stella: Hello? Help! Um, a little help here?

Jack: (To himself) No no no no no!

Lukas: No one deserves this. Not even Stella. She might be a bit stuck up and she doesn't really treat anyone that nicely, but... she's a person too. Even with her... many faults.

  • We gotta help them!
  • Winning is all that matters.
  • She got what she deserves.
  • ...

Jesse: Stella’s been totally impossible, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help her.

Petra: Ugh, you have a point.

Jesse: Right now, finishing is all that matters. We get to that clock, we save everyone. Including Stella.

Jesse: Stella ran off on her own, so maybe she does? A little.

Lukas: I... yeah, but... that's still pretty cold.

Jack: More time to use to save Vos.

Lukas: You know she doesn’t. No matter what she’s done.

Petra: Like stealing my sword?

Lukas: No matter what.

The group run up the stairs, where the Admin appears in front of them.

Golem: Okay no, no no no no no. This is all wrong, people. Wrong! You're not supposed to help each other! The losers are supposed to lose.

  • (Went With Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

Golem: Like Spectacles over here! There was no way Radar would’ve fought his way out of that room without you.

Golem: Like this guy! There is no way he would have made it out if you weren’t giving him the intellectual assist.

Golem: You should've just cut him loose! Jettisoned that baggage. Seeing someone like you, held back by that? Ugh. Painful!

  • He's a hero, too.
  • Then let him leave!
  • You're not being fair!
  • ...

Jesse: He’s as good as any of us! He has just as much right to be here.

Jesse: Fine, then just let him out of here. Set him free if you really don’t think he should be here.

Jesse: I don’t get you, Admin! If you didn’t want people to succeed, then why build this place at all?

Golem: You don't get it! I'm trying to separate the diamonds from the gravel, here. Rubbish. Gets. Dumped.

Golem: Do I see you wannabes getting frisky with me? Aww.

The group aim their weapons at the Admin.

Golem: (Sigh) Fine, you've convinced me. It's not often I give second chances. Oh- one condition, though.

  • (Went With Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

The Admin levitates Radar into the air and sends him into another dangerous room, with magma blocks and floating lava..

Radar: Hey, don't- ah! Ahh! Oh, no no- no no no no no! Oh man, not good. Ahh! Iieeee!!!

Jesse: No!

Jack: But he's so small!

The Admin levitates Jack into the air and sends him into another dangerous room, with magma blocks and floating lava.

Jack: Get off me, you- hey! Ah man, not good. No! Not good! Argh!

Jesse: No!

Golem: Let’s see how our bucko does on his own, ‘ey? What do you think the chances are... without Jesse?

The Admin disappears.

Jesse: You-

Jesse leads the group and follows him into the lava room, as the door closes behind them.

  • (Went with Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

Radar: Don't worry, guys. Everything is A-O- oh!

Radar lands onto a pressure plate and reveals a shulker, which zaps him and causes him to levitate into the air.

Radar: Oh, no. Oh, no...

Jesse tries to catch up, but the ground collapses.

Lukas: This is not good. We have to do something.

Jack lands onto a pressure plate and reveals a shulker, which zaps him and causes him to levitate into the air.

Jack: Ah! Wh-whoooa!

Jesse tries to catch up, but the ground collapses.

Petra: We gotta help him!

  • (Optional Interactions)
  • ...
  • Look at Cactus
  • Look at Lava
  • Look at Pistons

Jesse: He’ll have to manoeuvre past all that cacti.

Jesse: Floating lava? That's just- that's crazy!

Jesse: Those pistons are... they're in the way.

Petra: Even you or me would have a hard time doing that, Jesse.

  • Look at Door
  • Do Nothing/Any 2 Optional Interactions

Jesse: The door! (Calling up) You have to get to the door!

  • (Went With Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

Lukas: Radar's stuck. He- he can't. He's not gonna make it!

Petra: Jesse, Jack doesn't have it. He's not gonna make it!

Petra: (Points) There's a door!

Lukas: (Calling up) Go for the door!

Jesse: He's not going to make it!

Jesse: We can't just stand here!

Jesse runs towards the pressure plate.

Lukas: Jesse!

Jesse: Here we go...

Jesse jumps onto the pressure plate and reveals a shulker which zaps Jesse, sending them levitating into the air. Jesse manoeuvres past the magma pistons and flaming arrows and makes their way to the top of the room.

  • (Went With Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

Jesse: Radar! The door!

Radar: Jesse... Jesse, I just had a thought. Maybe- maybe I can do this! Maybe I AM a hero!

Jesse and Radar push towards the door and a magma piston gets into their way, sending them downwards. Jesse lands face first onto the floor, then watches as Radar falls into the stream of water.

Jesse: Radar!

Radar is sent through a tube.

Jesse: Jack! The door!

Jack: What? Where? THERE?! Augh! I- I'm not gonna make it!

Jesse: Grab onto me!

Jesse and Jack push towards the door and a magma piston gets into their way, sending them downwards. Jesse lands face first onto the floor, while Jack follows with a ground pound.

Jesse How do you... do that?

Jack: Photographic muscle memory.

Jesse: (Looking up) This... this is impossible. The Admin told us to go through his stupid challenge, but maybe we can find another way...

Lluna bleats from another room, catching Jesse's attention.

Lukas: Did anyone...

Jesse walks up to the wall and listens closely, to which Lluna bleats again.

Jesse: Lluna?! (Steps back) If that llama can get to the other side of the wall, so can we.

Jesse tries punching through the wall in the gauntlet, but fails.

Jesse: Yeah, we're never punching through that... anyone got anything to make a pickaxe?

Lukas: I have some sticks.

  • (Went With Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

Jack: Three diamonds!

Jesse: That sounds like a diamond pickaxe to me.

Jesse: Three diamonds!

Jack: That sounds like a diamond pickaxe to me.

  • (Craft a Diamond Pickaxe)
  • (Craft a Diamond Shovel/Sword/Hoe/Axe)

Jesse crafts a Diamond Pickaxe and mines through the iron wall.

Petra: Yes!

Petra: Jesse, what are you doing? We can't use that.

Jesse walks to the preasure plate and gets zapped by a shulker, levitating to the lava celling.

(Crafting a different diamond tool results a game-over. The rest of the transcript continues assuming you crafted a Diamond Pickaxe.)


Jesse crafts a Diamond Pickaxe and mines through the iron wall.

Petra: Yes!

Lluna appears and bleats as the group enter the empty room. They look up towards the tubes, which lead into the spire.

Lukas: The tubes... they're going up.

Jesse: Then our friends went up, and that's where we're headed too.

Jack: Uh... hate to point out the obvious, but we can't... climb-

Jack is zapped by a shulker and sent levitating upwards.

Jack: Oh, no...

The rest of the group are zapped and sent levitating upwards through the tubes.


The group make their way through the icy spire. Jesse spots the giant clock at the very top.

Jesse: There! We're getting close!

Jack: Excellent.

Lluna bleats.

Petra: We better hurry, though... what if the Admin comes back and finds out we broke his stuff?

Jack: Yeah, there’s no telling how long we have before the Admin figures out what we’ve done.

Petra: He's going to be, like, really really mad.

Lukas: Yeah, no kidding...

  • Bring it on!
  • The clock is what matters.
  • I'm done with his rules.
  • ...

Jesse: Like I care? I can’t wait to see the look on his stupid snowman face when he sees we’ve beaten him.

Jack: Ha, that is truly, uh... heh, yeah, that's a bold stance, Jesse.

Petra: “Bold” is one word for it...

Jesse: Hey. He said get to the clock, right? So... we’re getting to the clock.

Petra: Yeah. I guess it's still winning... technically?

Jesse: Petra, we’re done playing by his rules. Knowing him, he’d probably just change it up on us anyway.

Petra: Yeah. Yeah, I guess that's true.

Lluna bleats.

Jack: I am... so confused by this llama still being here. Is the llama “worthy?”

As Jesse ascends, they see Radar and Stella, trapped in ice cages.

Jesse: Hey! Look!

Radar: Hahaha! Jesse! Woo!

Jack: I don't see Vos, though...

Jesse: Hold tight, we're coming to save you!

Stella: You better keep my llama safe! Especially from those...

Jesse: Especially from?

Jesse looks to the right, to see what appears to be a hybrid of a Creeper and Enderman.

Jack: Ah! More of the Admin's freaky mobs!

The Ender-Creeper hisses at the group, before teleporting towards them and blowing up. The group are launched in split directions and everyone lands on a floating platform.

Stella: Lluna!

Petra: Ugh... man, I hate those... icy... Ender-Creepers. Ugh.

Jack: You and me... you and me both.

Stella: (To Lluna) Oh, thank goodness you're all right, sweetie!

Radar: Oh man, that looked like it hurt! I thought you were really in trouble! One minute you were falling through the air, the next - boom! Crazy stuff!

Stella: My word, your voice is shrill.

  • Look who's talking!
  • I've seen worse.
  • That was scary.
  • ...

Jesse: This coming from the guy trapped in ice!

Radar: Okay, haha, fair point!

Jesse: C’mon. C’monnn. I’ve had worse than that for breakfast!

Radar: Sorry! This is all still pretty new to me!

Jesse: Woo! You and me both, buddy! That was freaking scary!

Radar: Glad it wasn't just me, then!

Lukas: Uh... I think Jesse might still be a little dazed but we’re fine! Kinda...

Radar: Glad to hear it!

Lukas: Look. That wasn't the last of the ender... creeper things.

Jack: And I still can't see Vos...

Jesse: We're gonna have to divide and conquer here, people. One of you go for the clock, one of you come with me and Lukas to rescue the others.

Lukas: Guys, we're running out of time here.

  • Petra, get the clock.
  • Jack will do it.

Jesse: Petra, I believe in you. Go for the clock. Jack, you come with us.

Petra: (Deep breath) Okay. Okay.

Jack: Hey, be careful up there.

Petra: Right.

Petra starts climbing up to the clock.

Jesse: Jack, we need our best guy on that clock... and you’re him, buddy.

Petra: Do it for Nurm.

Jack: Right, but you better find Vos.

Lukas: We will. Be careful, okay?

Jack: I trained with the TNT Jugglers of Tristy Cove. "Careful" is the only way I know.

Jack starts climbing up to the clock.

Stella: Lluna? Sweetie?

Lluna jumps away.

Lukas: Heh, smart llama.

Stella: Lluna! But... but, why?

The group drop down to the platform where Radar and Stella are being held captive.

Radar: Jesse coming to my rescue... just like I dreamt it!

  • That's... kinda weird.
  • I tried to save you.
  • Sorry I left you.
  • Glad you're okay.
  • ...

Jesse: You've got some weird dreams, Radar.

Radar: Sorry! Still a little groggy from going through all those pipes. Pretend I didn’t say anything.

(If Jesse went with Lukas and Radar to the Archery Room)

Jesse: I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to you back there. I really tried. Honest.

Radar: I blamed you a little bit while I was getting sucked through those horrible pipes, but after some time to think it over... I know it wasn’t your fault.

(If Jesse went with Petra and Jack to the Spider Room)

Jesse: I’m so sorry I went with Petra and Jack instead of you and Lukas. I shouldn't have left you.

Radar: I was disappointed at first too... but it worked out okay, right? Mostly?

Jesse: I'm just so glad you're okay. I was worried.

Radar: Ha, yeah, you and me both.

Jesse says nothing.

Lukas: Uh, Jesse?

More Ender-Creepers appear, hissing at the group.

  • (Sent Petra to Get the Clock)
  • (Sent Jack to Get the Clock)

Jack: You better hustle. Got some real nasty customers coming our way!

Petra: You might wanna hurry. We've got monsters incoming!

Jesse: Oh, I don't like those.

The group fight off the Ender-Creepers while Jesse pulls out their torch.

Jesse: C'mon, Radar, we gotta get you out. Fast!

Radar: Okay! Okay, okay.

Jesse melts the ice, setting Radar free. The rest of the group successfully kill the monsters.

Lukas: Okay, I got a feeling they won't be gone for long.

Stella: Ahem. Jesse. Hello?

Jesse: Stella.

Stella: I could’ve found that clock, obviously, but there was some signage that was VERY confusing - and well... I, you know, wound up here.

Jesse sighs.

Stella: Kept hoping the Admin would drop by so I could explain the confusion. But when we do talk, you better believe that he’s going to realize I am the perfect friend and partner for him. It will be... divine.

  • You're out of your league.
  • It's the perfect match.
  • Please just stop talking.
  • ...

Jesse: You really don’t have any idea what you’re dealing with, do you? You are WAY out of your league, Stella.

Stella: Ha. Is that jealousy I’m detecting?

Jesse: Y’know Stella, now that I think about it, you and the Admin WOULD be perfect for each other.

Stella: Jesse, I swear... thank you. I’ve had a bit of a hard day, and I needed that.

Jesse: Stella, would you please just stop talking already?

Stella: Ha. Is that jealousy I’m detecting?

Stella: Fine. Enough chitchat. How about you get me on outta here?

  • (Sent Petra to Get the Clock)
  • (Sent Jack to Get the Clock)

Jack: Really?

Stella: Wait, what?

Radar: Ha, yikes.

Petra: You are unbelievable.

Stella: Thank you.

Petra: Not that way.

Lukas: Yeah... wow.

Stella: Jesse wouldn't leave me, of course?

  • [Free Stella]
  • [Leave Her]
  • ...

Jesse: Okay fine. Just... don’t make me regret it, all right?

Stella: Knew you would. Our fates our intertwined, after all. Who are either of us without the other?

Radar: Wow.

Jesse frees Stella from her icy trap.

Jesse: Sorry Stella, but I’m leaving you in there for your “chat” with the Admin.

Stella: I... I don't believe it. I knew you were my rival, but this is further than I thought even you would go.

Jesse: Good luck.

Stella: Jesse?

Lukas: Sorry, Stella. Good luck.

Jesse looks up towards the clock.

  • (Sent Petra to Get the Clock)
  • (Sent Jack to Get the Clock)

Jesse: Nice work, Petra! Come on, guys, let's go give her a hand.

Jesse: Way to go, Jack! Come on guys, let’s get up to him.

Jesse uses the Diamond Pickaxe to mine a stack of obsidian.

Jesse: Now, let's get to that clock!

  • (Left Stella)
  • ...

Stella: We’ll meet again, Jesse! I promise you!

The group build their way up to the clock using Obsidian. Lluna nips Jesse.

Jesse: Ow!

The group look upwards as night turns back to day.

Radar: Amazing!

  • (Sent Petra to Get the Clock)
  • (Sent Jack to Get the Clock)

Petra uses her sword to destroy the clock, before jumping back down to the others.

Jesse: Look at that! You did it!

Petra: Yeah, I guess I did, huh?

Jesse: Awesome job, I'm SO proud of you.

Jesse goes in to hug Petra.

Petra: Uh, help... crushing... lungs...

Jack uses his sword to destroy the clock, before jumping back down to the others.

Jack: Hey! I ever tell you about the time I freed the M’undari Fishchasers?

Jesse: No?

Jack: Then I won't bother, because it wasn't half as impressive as this.

Lukas: Ahem- not to interrupt all the celebrating, but... escaping?

Jack: I can't leave without Vos.

Jesse: Go ahead, guys! We'll catch up!

Lukas: Just... hurry, okay? I don't like worrying about you.

Lukas, Radar and Lluna leave the spire.

  • (Freed Stella)
  • ...

Stella: What's your angle? Waiting around for the Admin?

Jack: I need to find him.

  • Jack we gotta go!
  • We'll find him with you.
  • Guess we're splitting up.
  • ...

Jesse: Jack, I know you’re upset about Vos still being missing, but we can’t stay here.

Petra: Yeah, the Admin could be back at any minute!

Jack: But...

Jesse: Don't worry, Jack. I'm gonna help you.

Petra: Me too.

Jack: Thank you.

Jesse: I guess we're splitting up, then...

Petra: Be safe, okay?

Jack: I will.

Petra: Maybe if we... if we hurry...

Vos: Well... this is a little... disappointing.

Jack: Vos?!

Vos: Oh, I tried. I really, really did.

Jack: I... how did you get here, Vos?

Vos: Oh, Jesse. Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. I just don't understand you... letting your friends go?

  • (Went With Lukas and Radar)
  • (Went With Petra and Jack)

Vos: Radar? He clearly wasn't supposed to make it, despite you dragging him along.

Vos: Jack was supposed to prove himself, but you just, just coddled him every step of the way.

Vos: Losers... are supposed to lose, Jesse.

Jack: Vos. Friend. What are you doing? Why are you saying these things?

  • You agree with the Admin?!
  • You're scaring me, Vos.
  • I've heard that before...
  • ...

Jesse: Are you seriously buying into all this? Listening to the Admin’s craziness?

Vos: "Buying into it?" Oh, you poor soul. I made it.

Jack: What?

Jesse: You are really freaking me out right now, Vos.

Vos: Oh, am I?

Jack: Vos! Why are you acting this way?

Jesse: Hang on, I've heard that before.

Vos: Of course you have. I’ve been saying it the whole time, heh. Not this body, of course, but...

Jack: What?

Vos: No? Nothing to say? Answer me!

Jack: Vos! Why are you acting this way?

Vos: Tsk. Haven't you figured it out yet, you dolt?

Jack is set aback. Vos slowly walks across the ice, before levitating upwards and revealing himself to be the Admin. He appears with red hear, glowing red eyes, dark blue skin, a red goatee and a red suit.

Jesse: He's the Admin.

Admin: Ohh... you are a smart cookie, Jesse. Of course I am.

Jack: Vos... the whole time? (Drops down)

Admin: (Facepalms) No... not the whole time, you nitwit. The real Vos never would’ve survived in my Sea Temple that long. (To Jesse) I am disappointed, Jesse. You obviously just don’t have what it takes to really be my friend. My partner. Such a pity... such a waste.

  • I would never be your friend.
  • Wait! Let's discuss this.
  • You tricked us!
  • ...

Jesse: Are you serious? I would never be your friend. You’re nuts!

Admin: And you, heh, well, you are incredibly bold.

Jesse: Now, hang on there... let’s just start over and discuss this “friend” thing from the top.

Admin: No, no. I’m afraid it’s too late for that.

Jesse: I just can’t believe it! You tricked us! You seriously think that's the way to make friends?

Admin: Oh, come on. It was kind of exciting, right? Sort of a "surprise reveal?"

Admin: Now... what to do with you?

  • (Freed Stella)
  • (Left Stella)

Stella: Ah, excuse me? Mr. Admin, sir? I just wanted to say that I would love to be your partner.

Admin: But, you... lost.

Stella: Technically, yes. But unlike them, I actually appreciate what you're offering.

Admin: You don't say...

  • Stella, he's crazy!
  • You two belong together.
  • This will not end well.
  • ...

Jesse: Stella, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but what he’s offering is absolutely crazy. You can’t really mean this.

Stella: Oh, but I do, Jesse.

Jesse: Ugh... yeah, you two belong together, all right. Just a couple of selfish wackos.

Stella: I’ll take that as a compliment.

Jesse: Stella, I don’t know what your plan is here, but it’s going to backfire!

Stella: "Backfire?" Jesse. Sweetie. I'm telling the truth.

Petra: Stella, come on. You can’t do this.

Stella: Petra? Sweetie? I already have.

Stella: Jesse, I really appreciate you saving me. Love ya. Mean it. But you obviously don’t understand the magnitude of what this... this paragon is offering.

Admin: Huh... “Stella,” was it?

Stella: Yes, sir.

Admin: (Nods) See, she may not have the skills, but that... is a terrific attitude.

Stella: Ah- oh- excuse me? Mr. Admin! Yoohoo!

The Admin looks down towards Stella.

Stella: Uh, those fools might not want to be your partner, but I will!

Admin: But, you... lost.

Petra: Guys. Guys! What are we going to do?

Stella: Technically, yes. But unlike them, I actually appreciate what you're offering.

Admin: Oh... really...

Stella: Yes, really! I think with my organizational, managerial, and leadership skills, I could be an excellent addition to, ah, whatever your infrastructure is.

Admin: I'm actually a little more "flat management."

  • We fight!
  • Get ready to run.
  • I'll reason with him.
  • ...

Jesse: We only have one option - we fight! Give him everything we've got.

Petra pulls out her sword, only for the Admin to roll his eyes and zap it out of existence.

Jesse: Just get ready to run. On my signal, we’ll make a break for it.

Petra: Okay-

Jesse: Once he’s done talking with Stella, I’ll just reason with him. Simple.

Petra: Okay-

Petra: I guess... maybe one of us could cause a distraction and-

Admin: Hold on a moment. (To Jesse and Petra) Really? You think that would work on me? You’ve... seen me, right?

Jesse: We-

Admin: You really do have a thing or two you could learn from Stella here. Skill’s lacking, but... she’s got a terrific attitude.

Admin: Your attitude, on the other hand? Oh, well... there’s nothing that hurts more than broken hopes. I made this for you, just for you, and how do you repay me? You cheated! How could you do this to me?

  • We won your stupid game.
  • You are a madman.
  • You did this to US!
  • ...

Jesse: Hey, we did exactly what you said, didn’t we? We got your stupid clock.

Admin: Nuh uh! Nope! You were more interested in saving those loser friends of yours! That practically negates all of the other stuff.

Jesse: I dunno, lemme see... because you’re crazier than a poison potato!

Admin: See, now you're just being rude, and lashing out, and I don't care for it.

Jesse: How could you do this to US?

Admin: Oh, that’s adorable. They’re mad they got manipulated. I should be mad that I had to waste all that time looking like that crusty old adventurer!

Admin: I have to tell you, Jesse. The silent glare thing is really not cute right now.

Admin: I gave you so many chances!

The Admin lifts his hand, levitating the trio upwards.

Admin: But, hah, it hasn’t all been to waste. No, no. YOU might not be worthy...

  • (Sent Petra to Get the Clock)
  • (Sent Jack to Get the Clock)

The Admin removes the gauntlet from Jesse and sends it to Petra.

Petra: Augh!

Admin: Technically, Petra here was the winner. Oh, don't get me wrong, there are quite a few flaws we'll have to work through. But we'll get there, in time...

Petra: No! No no no no no-

Petra disappears.

Admin: Poof.

Jesse: Petra! Where did she go?!

Admin: Oh, don’t even worry about it. It’s not for a loser like you to worry about where the cool people go.

Jack: Petra! Oh, no...

The Admin removes the gauntlet from Jesse and sends it to Jack.

Jack: What?!

Admin: Technically, Jack here was the winner. Oh, don't get me wrong, there are quite a few flaws we'll have to work through. But we'll get there, in time...

Jack: No! You can't-

Jack disappears.

Admin: Poof.

Jesse: Jack! Where did he go?!

Admin: Oh, don’t even worry about it. It’s not for a loser like you to worry about where the cool people go.

Petra: Jack... no!

Admin: Hahaha... shh... like I said, not for you guys to worry about.

  • [Reason with him]
  • [Insult him]
  • [Draw sword]
  • ...

Jesse: Let’s... let’s be reasonable, now.

Admin: Ugh... you really are just hopeless!

Jesse: The only loser I see here? Is you.

Admin: What. WHAT?!

Jesse draws their sword at the Admin.

Admin: Oh... cute.

The Admin zaps Jesse's sword away.

Admin: Ugh... you really are just hopeless!

Admin: I’m done letting you make me feel bad. I prefer to feel good. And I’m gonna feel real good when I send you two to a place where you’ll never see the light of day. Ever. Again.

Jesse: No-

Jesse is zapped away.

  • (Sent Petra to Get the Clock)
  • (Sent Jack to Get the Clock)

Jack: Jesse!

Petra: Jesse!

Jesse is sent to the Underneath.


Warden: You must be a special class of trouble to end up here...

A dark prison settles, with stone walls and iron bars. There are torches on the pillars outside the cells.

Warden: The Admin, well... this is where he sends the people who he has special plans for...

Outside a prison cell is a lever, connected to iron doors.

Warden: You may have noticed, it's not a very nice place. And the people? Well... they're not very nice, either.

A prisoner laughs, hysterically.

Season 1 The Order of the StoneAssembly RequiredThe Last Place You LookA Block and a Hard PlaceOrder Up!
Adventure Pass A Portal to MysteryAccess DeniedA Journey's End?
Season 2 Hero in ResidenceGiant ConsequencesJailhouse BlockBelow the BedrockAbove and Beyond