A Flying Machine is a buildable mechanism in Minecraft. It makes appearances in Minecraft: Story Mode with various forms. Once activated, it moves all of its own components in a given direction, as well as people riding on it.
- In "Assembly Required", a vertical flying machine is shown as one of the inventions in Redstonia. It was invented by Sandy to earn the spot as Ellegaard's protégé.
- In "A Block and a Hard Place", a Flying Barge is located in the Far Lands. Jesse's Gang uses it to get across a pit to get to Ivor's Cottage.
- After Jesse goes back to the remain of Soren's Fortress, if he/she doesn't have the Potion of Leaping at the moment (either not taken or drunk in the maze), he/she will have an option to make a vertical flying machine to go inside the Wither Storm.
- A flying machine works depending on slime blocks' dragging ability to move all components. It can only use Blocks of Redstone as power source because they are the only movable power sources in Minecraft.
- The way using flint and steel to ignite the horizontal machine refers to BUD, a phenomenon in Minecraft which activates a piston when an adjacent block is changed on certain conditions.